Critique [krı'ti:k]
1. An article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review.
2. A criticism or critical comment on some problem, subject, etc.
3. The art or practice of criticism.
=>Verb (Used with object)
To review or analyze critically
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Wry [raı]
=>Adjective (Wrier, Wriest)
1. Produced by a distortion or lopsidedness of the facial features:
A wry grin
2. Abnormally bent or turned to one side; twisted; crooked:
A wry mouth
3. Devious in course or purpose; misdirected.
4. Contrary; perverse.
5. Distorted or perverted, as in meaning.
6. Bitterly or disdainfully ironic or amusing:
A wry remark
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Wizard ['wızərd]
1. A man in stories who has magic powers
2. A person who practices magic; magician or sorcerer.
3. A conjurer or juggler.
1. Of or pertaining to a wizard.
2. Magic
3. British Slang;
Superb; excellent; wonderful:
That's wizard!
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Furtive ['fɜ:rtıv]
1. Taken, done, used, etc., surreptitiously or by stealth; secret:
A furtive glance
2. Sly; shifty:
A furtive manner
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Huddle ['hʌdəl]
=>Verb (Used without object)
1. To gather or crowd together in a close mass.
2. To crouch, curl up, or draw oneself together.
3. Football;
To get together in a huddle
4. To confer or consult; meet to discuss, exchange ideas, or make a decision.
(Used with object)
5. To heap or crowd together closely.
6. To draw (oneself) closely together, as in crouching
7. Chiefly British;
To do hastily and carelessly (often followed by up, over, or together ).
To put on (clothes) with careless haste (often followed by on ).
1. A closely gathered group, mass, or heap; bunch.
2. Football;
A gathering of the offensive team in a close circle or line behind the line of scrimmage for instructions, signals, etc., from the team captain or quarterback, usually held before each offensive play.
3. A conference, or consultation, especially a private meeting to discuss serious matters:
The labor representatives have been in a huddle for two hours.
4. Confusion or disorder.
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Midair [mıd 'eər]
Any point in the air not contiguous with the earth or other solid surface:
To catch a ball in midair
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Smash [smæʃ]
=>Verb (Smashes, Smashing, Smashed [smæʃt])
1. To break something into many pieces:
The boys smashed the window with their ball.
2. To break into many pieces:
The plate fell on the floor and smashed.
The glass hit the floor with a smash.
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Brick [brık]
A small block of CLAY (=a type of earth) that has been baked until it is hard. Bricks are used for building:
A brick wall