Snag [snæg]



A small problem:

 It’s the beautiful bike- the only snag is, it’s very expensive.


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Drab [dræb]


1. Dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness, etc.

2. Having the color drab.



1. Dull gray; dull brownish or yellowish gray.

2. Any of several fabrics of this color, especially of thick wool or cotton.



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Slog [slɒg]


=>Verb (Slogged, Slogging) (Used with object)

1. To hit hard, as in boxing or cricket; slug.

2. To drive with blows.


 (Used without object)

3. To deal heavy blows.

4. To walk or plod heavily.

5. To toil.



1. A long, tiring walk or march.

2. Long, laborious work.

3. A heavy blow.



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Hum [hʌm]


=>Verb (Hums, Humming, Hummed [hʌmd])

1. To sing with your lips closed:

You can hum the tune if you don’t know the words.

2. To make a low continuous sound:

The overhead wires hummed with power.


=>Noun (No plural):

The computer was making a low hum.


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Glow [gləʋ]

=>Verb (Glows, Glowing, Glowed)

To send out soft light or heat without flames or smoke:

His cigarette glowed in the dark.



The glow of the sky at sunset


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Sag [sæg]


=>Verb (Sags, Sagging, Sagged [sægd])

To bend or hang down:

The bed is very old and it sags in the middle.


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Reckless ['reklıs]



A person who is reckless does dangerous things without thinking about what could happen:

Reckless driving


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Solemn ['sɒləm]




Slow solemn music

=>Solemnly ['sɒləmli] (adverb)

“I’ve got some bad news for you” he said solemnly.


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Dignity ['dıgnətı]


=>Noun (No plural)

Calm and serious behavior that makes other people respect you:

To behave with dignity


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Banish ['bænıʃ]


=>Verb (Used with object)

1. To expel from or relegate to a country or place by authoritative decree; condemn to exile: He was banished to Devil's Island.

2. To compel to depart; send, drive, or put away:

To banish sorrow


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Scrabble ['skræbəl]


=>Verb (Scrabbled, Scrabbling)(Used with object)


1. To scratch or scrape, as with the claws or hands.

2. To grapple or struggle with or as if with the claws or hands.

3. To scrawl; scribble.


 (Used without object)

4. To scratch or dig frantically with the hands; claw (often followed by at): scrabbling at a locked door to escape the flames.

5. To jostle or struggle for possession of something; grab or collect something in a disorderly way




1. A scratching or scraping, as with the claws or hands.

2. A scrawled or scribbled writing.

3. A disorderly struggle for possession of something; scramble:

After the fumble, there was a scrabble for the football.

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  • Thank you Sahar !

    Thank you very much.

    • You are welcome.
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