Abrupt [ə'brʌpt]
1. Sudden and unexpected:
An abrupt change of plan
2. Seeming rude and unfriendly:
I’m sorry for being abrupt with you.
=> Abruptly [ə'brʌptlı] (Adverb)
The conversation ended abruptly.
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Blast [blæst]
1. When a bomb explodes:
Tow people were killed in the blast.
2. A sudden movement of air:
A blast of cold air
3. A sudden loud noise:
The driver gave a few blasts on his horn.
=>Verb (Blasts, Blasting, Blasted)
To make a hole in something with an explosion:
They blasted through the mountain to make a tunnel
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Whipstall [wıpstɔ:l]]
1. A stall during a vertical climb in which the nose of the airplane falls forward and downward in a whiplike movement
=>Verb (Used with object)
1. To cause (an aircraft) to undergo whipstall.
(Used without object)
2. (Of an aircraft) to undergo whipstall.
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Rage [reıdʒ]
Very strong anger:
Sue stormed out of the room in a rage
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Fury ['fjʋrı]
=>Noun (No plural) (Formal)
Very strong anger:
He was filled with fury.
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Tumble ['tʌmbəl]
=>Verb (Tumbles, Tumbling, Tumbled ['tʌmbəld])
To fall suddenly:
He tumbled down the steps.
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Slam [slæm]
=>Verb (Slams, Slamming, Slammed [slæmd])
To close something or put something down with a load noise:
-He slammed the door angrily.
-She slammed the book on the table and went out.
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Savage ['sævıdʒ]
Wild or violent:
He was the victim of a savage attack by a large dog.
=> Savagely ['sævıdʒly] (Adverb)
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Pant [pænt]
=>Verb (Pants, Panting, Panted)
To take in and let out air quickly through your mouth, for example after running:
The dog was panting.