To shine with a small bright light that comes and goes:
Stars twinkled in the night sky.
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Beacon-trail ['bi:kəntreıl]
Beacon ['bi:kən]
1. A guiding or warning signal, as a light or fire, especially one in an elevated position.
2. A tower or hill used for such purposes.
3. A lighthouse, signal buoy, etc., on a shore or at a dangerous area at sea to warn and guide vessels.
4. Navigation;
a. Radio beacon.
b. A radar device at a fixed location that, upon receiving a radar pulse, transmits a reply pulse that enables the original sender to determine his or her position relative to the fixed location.
5. A person, act, or thing that warns or guides.
6. A person or thing that illuminates or inspires:
The Bible has been our beacon during this trouble.
=>Verb(Used with object)
1. To serve as a beacon to; warn or guide.
2. To furnish or mark with beacons:
A ship assigned to beacon the shoals.
(Used without object)
3. To serve or shine as a beacon:
A steady light beaconed from the shore.
Trail [treıl]
A line of marks that show which way a person or thing has gone:
There was a trail of blood across the floor.
2. A path in the country:
We followed the trail through the forest.
=>Verb (Trails, Trailing, Trailed [treıld])
To pull something along behind you; to be pulled along behind somebody or something:
Her skirt was too long and it trailed along the ground.
Let me add some new words here too.
Monster ['mɒnstər]
An animal in stories that is big, ugly and frightening.
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Roar [rɔ:r]
=>Verb (Roars, Roaring, Roared [rɔ:rd])
To make a loud deep sound:
The lion roared.
Everybody roared with laughter.
A loud deep sound:
The lion gave a huge roar.
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Slit [slıt]
A long thin hole or cut
=>Verb (Slits, Slitting, Slit, Has slit)
I slit the envelope open with a knife.
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Swift [swıft]
=>Adjective (Swifter, Swiftest)
Quick or fast:
We made a swift.
=> Swiftly [swıftli] (adverb)
She ran swiftly up the stairs.Bar [bɑ:r]
1. A place where people can go and buy drinks, especially alcoholic drinks:
There’s a bar in the hotel.
2. A long, high table where you buy drinks in a bar or pub:
We stood at the bar.
3. A place where you can get a particular kind of food or drink:
A coffee bar
A sandwich bar
4. A small block of something hard:
A bar of soap
5. A long thin piece of metal:
There were iron bars on the windows.
=>Verb (Bars, Baring, Barred)
1. To put something across a place so that people can not pass:
A line of police barred the road.
2. To say officially that somebody must not do something or go somewhere:
He was barred form the club for fighting.
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Weary ['wıərı]
=>Adjective (Wearier, Weariest)
Very tired:
A weary traveler
=>Wearily ['wıərıi] (adverb):
She sank wearily into a chair.
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Twinkle ['twıŋkəl]
=>Verb (Twinkles, Twinkling, Twinkled ['twıŋkəld])
To shine with a small bright light that comes and goes:
Stars twinkled in the night sky.
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Beacon-trail ['bi:kəntreıl]
Beacon ['bi:kən]
1. A guiding or warning signal, as a light or fire, especially one in an elevated position.
2. A tower or hill used for such purposes.
3. A lighthouse, signal buoy, etc., on a shore or at a dangerous area at sea to warn and guide vessels.
4. Navigation;
a. Radio beacon.
b. A radar device at a fixed location that, upon receiving a radar pulse, transmits a reply pulse that enables the original sender to determine his or her position relative to the fixed location.
5. A person, act, or thing that warns or guides.
6. A person or thing that illuminates or inspires:
The Bible has been our beacon during this trouble.
=>Verb (Used with object)
1. To serve as a beacon to; warn or guide.
2. To furnish or mark with beacons:
A ship assigned to beacon the shoals.
(Used without object)
3. To serve or shine as a beacon:
A steady light beaconed from the shore.
Trail [treıl]
A line of marks that show which way a person or thing has gone:
There was a trail of blood across the floor.
2. A path in the country:
We followed the trail through the forest.
=>Verb (Trails, Trailing, Trailed [treıld])
To pull something along behind you; to be pulled along behind somebody or something:
Her skirt was too long and it trailed along the ground.
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Vanish ['vænıʃ]
=>Verb (Vanishes, Vanishing, Vanished ['vænıʃt])
To go away; to stop being seen
=>SAME MEANING “disappear”:
The thief ran into the crowd and vanished.
ragged adjective
feeble adjective
feebly adverb
chart noun ( DRAWING )
faded adjective
vow verb