" The Alchemist " Chapter2 Part 19

The boy spent a sleepless night. Two hours before dawn, he awoke one of the boys who slept in his tent, and asked him to show him where Fatima lived. They went to her tent, and the boy gave his friend enough gold to buy asheep.

Then he asked his friend to go to into the tent where Fatima was sleeping, and to awaken her and tell her that he was waiting outside. The young Arab did as he was asked, and was given enough gold to buy yet another sheep.

"Now leave us alone," said the boy to the young Arab. The Arab returned to his tent to sleep, proud to have helped the counselor of the oasis, and happy at having enough money to buy himself some sheep.

Fatima appeared at the entrance to the tent. The two walked out among the palms. The boy knew that it was a violation of the Tradition, but that didn't matter to him now.

"I'm going away," he said. "And I want you to know that I'm coming back. I love you because…"

"Don't say anything," Fatima interrupted. "One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."

But the boy continued, "I had a dream, and I met with a king. I sold crystal and crossed the desert. And, because the tribes declared war, I went to the well, seeking the alchemist. So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me findyou."

The two embraced. It was the first time either had touched the other.

"I'll be back," the boy said.

"Before this, I always looked to the desert with longing," said Fatima. "Now it will be with hope. My father went away one day, but he returned to my mother, and he has always come back since then."

They said nothing else. They walked a bit farther among the palms, and then the boy left her at the entrance to her tent.

"I'll return, just as your father came back to your mother," he said.

He saw that Fatima's eyes were filled with tears.

"You're crying?"

"I'm a woman of the desert," she said, averting her face. "But above all, I'm a woman."

Fatima went back to her tent, and, when daylight came, she went out to do the chores she had done for years. But everything had changed. The boy was no longer at the oasis, and the oasis would never again have the same meaning it had had only yesterday. It would no longer be aplace with fifty thousand palm trees and three hundred wells, where thepilgrims arrived, relieved at the end of their long journeys. From that day on,the oasis would be an empty place for her.

From that day on, it was the desert that would be important. She would look to it every day, and would try to guess which star the boy was following in search of his treasure. She would have to send her kisses on the wind, hoping that the wind would touchthe boy's face, and would tell him that she was alive. That she was waiting forhim, a woman awaiting a courageous man in search of his treasure. From that dayon, the desert would represent only one thing to her: the hope for his return.


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    "One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."

    What a line! Very meaningful. 


    "You're crying?"

    "I'm a woman of the desert," she said, averting her face. "But above all, I'm a woman."


    She is a woman of desert who will be willing to wait patiently for his man to return when he decides to go in pursuit for his personal legend. But above all she is a woman..Naturally feels sorrow and longing for his man. Almost not wanting him to leave and instead to stay beside her only.

  • PS- When for the first time I was reading this book, this part... I liked this line ...

    "The two embraced. It was the first time either had touched the other."

    It is a turning point when two lover meet one another and they express their love! Although "it was a violation of the Tradition"

    • Dear Zahra !

      You asked about differences between " Hope " and  "Longing" . It reminds me a story.

      That was a long period of drought in a village there's been no rain for mounts and people was suffering. They decided to do prayer for rain in the main square of the village.next day all of people gathered in the main square but there was only a little boy who was there carrying an umbrella .


      All other people there was Hopeful But that baby was there with longing. I think longing is active but hope . longing pushed her to look at the Osasis.Longing makes movement .

  • Longing changed into hope ...What's the difference between longing and hope ...

    I looked up its Farsi meaning and it seemed that we can say the difference as follows if I got it right !

    Is it this way ? In this story she was longing sth that she hadn't found yet ...But it changed to be a hope when she found her half yet could't stay with him ...She hopes that he soon comes to her ...


    Oh ...Just now I checked the other dictionary for its English meaning ...

    long·ing  (lôngprime.gifibreve.gifng, lobreve.gifngprime.gif-)

    n.  A strong persistent yearning or desire, especially one that cannot be fulfilled.
    So it seems that longing is a desire for sth that is not accessible ...So when her longing changed to a hope, it means that before she was sorta hopeless ?No ...better to say she was hopeful although her wish was quite illogical or unaccessible !
    The she becomes hopeful and her hope becomes real not just out of imagination !
    Anyway, thanks for sharing ...
    Have a righteous life 


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