Punctuation Note (6)

Quotation Marks (Part 1)


Study the following sentences:


  • You shouldn’t miss tonight’s “Medics
  • In “It Has to Be You,” baseball star Rob Gold can’t hit a ball anymore.
  • You’d Better Not Look” will keep you in the dark until the very end.



1. Quotation marks are used to set off titles of short works such as articles in books, or magazines; chapters in a book; short stories; poems; songs; and episodes of TV serials.

**Remember that all these titles are capitalized.


-Yesterday, we read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” in our poetry class.

-“The Lottery” is a classic short story by Shirley Jackson.


2. Quotation marks are also used to set off technical terms or words used in a special sense.

-The “platoon system” changed the game of football.

-His “castle” was in reality a cozy little mouse trap.

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    I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.
    - William Shakespeare

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