2011 April 6 ( seventh day )
I carved another line on the tree.
Last night I couldn't sleep well because there is no sheep here to count, so I started to count mosquitoes and I asleep after counting the 146378th one.
Where is rescue team ?
Where is Dancers ?
I'm lucky I found a huge worm on a tree early morning that was a very delicious breakfast, much better than coconuts.
I'm going to cruise around the island to explore something useful.
Oh Sahar why did you send me to this island by that topic ????
Hawaiian bellydancers are here.I'm going to stay in this Island for ever.
Oh sorry they are calling me.
Im so busy .
Oh! My God!!
None of them!
Terrible for us!!
I agree with you Sinderella :) (Hi!)
I can’t also imagine you are weak in imagination dear Sinderella!
What an epidemic imagination!!
Let me see!
146378/60=2439.63 (minutes)
2439.63/60=40.66056 (hours)
Oh! My God!!
If you count 1 mosquito in each second it means that you didn’t sleep about 40 hours!
I suggest to use warm milk with date to can sleep.
I hope that you’ve left some milk on those big bottles yet!
Let me say something please.
As you know some people in some countries eat worm and insects. But I must say that Iranian NEVER eat those worm!
It is just an emergency situation and Darius had to do that!!
Those Worms**
Honest Girl!!
What are those?!
Some of bottles under the sea?!
Oh!! No!
Missing dancers!!!
Oh !
Are you living in a lost tropical island?
It looks as if you know so many things about life style in lost island?