2011 April 2 ( third day)

I carve the third line on the trunk of the tree as soon as sun rises. Last nigh that was a real fight . Me and mosquitoes. I was only one but they were a big army and now as you see me maybe you think I'm a pine apple..



I found the last unused firework rocket ( and as you know rescue rockets don't need any matches to light it.They have got a thread at the end of cylinder and you should pull it)I cut it and used its black powder to make fire. I made  some matchstick by those powder.




Three days ! And I haven't ate anything except of coconuts...... I hate it.

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    • Oh dear devoted Diba!

      Now, we can send every thing that he wants.

      But I’m afraid that after some times we will have to send whole the world to him! Step by Step! And in that time the Island will engorge all of things inside itself!

    • Hi Diba!

      No! There’s no need to have a big space for sending them. Those coconuts that are sent are enough. It is better that we give back his friends sooner!

      We can put compass (really it’s strange for me how he couldn’t find the directions yet. I think it is really easy by seeing the sun), maps and books about stars inside one of them easily. But our main problem is about ax and telescope.

      About ax, it’s just need that we send the blade of the ax. There are enough wood in that Island and I’m sure that he can make a good ax with it. But about telescope…

      As you are seeing, he hasn’t said any reason for using it, so there’s no need to send it in my idea.

    • Good points!

      You have an inventive mind. Very Good!

      Let’s wait for others answers and then send to him a helping letter.

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    • If you were instead of me in this tropical island for sure you've forgotten grammatical points completely. I was writing those memories while I was fighting with mosquitoes and suffering from a badly stomach ache because of coconuts.But really I made matchsticks by some wooden chips  and that flammable powder.

      it looks as if my English is moisten in this humid tropical island.

      كجا دانند حال ما سبكباران ساحل ها ؟؟


    • Darius!

      I think your English isn’t moistened at all!

      What is changed is this that we didn’t have lady here before!

      Of course all of us know that you are very good in English. But please be just more careful about what you are writing.

      Now, she is the biggest help for you. Please try to use this nice opportunity.

    • Dear Darius

      Every person has problems in his/her life. Being good in a subject doesn’t mean not having any problems at all.

      Of course you are right. In that condition, concentrating on a foreign language is very hard. But, please don’t let problems win.

    • Oh ! Problems won!

      Poor Darius Crusoe !

      I lost my home ! my friends ! my job ! and my English

      Life is terrible.

      I'm alone .

      Lonely... I'm Mr. lonely ...I have nobody for my own ...woooooo

      I'm here alone . Only me and Mr. Wilson ( That coconut).

    • lonely....Mr. lonely
    • Oh! So we must be very careful!!

    • But, please don’t forget that you didn’t have any thing in the first too!

      What we have in our life is our thoughts about what are around us.

      Crusoe wasn’t “poor” at all!!

      He was a brave person. Just like Robin hood, it is the most beautiful cartoon.

      When we start to show ourselves weak, then we will see that every person and every thing is leaving us easily. Sooner than what we can think.

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