Before developing your paragraph, you need to have a map to follow. This map clearly indicates where you have to go by breaking a topic into smaller units that you can handle one at a time. In writing, this kind of map is called an outline. In fact, an outline gives you a sense of the relative proportions of the parts of your paragraph, including which parts are the main ones, and which are subordinate, and finally it informs you if you have left out anything necessary or included anything unnecessary.

Here is a brief outline of this topic:


     Why people live in big cities

1. More job opportunities

2. Better health care centers

3. More entertainments



     A detailed outline may also reflect the ways you have chosen to develop your topic.

Here is an outline, using words or short phrases for the various parts about this topic:


Students' financial problems

1. School expenses       2. Living expenses       3.Other expenses

A. Tuition                    A. Housing                   A. Trips home

B. Textbooks                B. Transportation         B. Entertainment

                                  C. Food and clothing



     In some cases, the writer may feel that it is necessary to device a sentence outline such as the following about this topic:


     How to prepare for an exam

1. Draw up a study schedule.

     A. Establish course priorities

     B. Be flexible, but firm


2. Don't shortchange yourself on sleep.

3. Have food. Don't forget that the mind needs fuel, too.

4. Get some exercise, for both mind and body.

5. Self-indulgence: pamper yourself a bit for psychological stability.

     A. Take breaks.

     B. Meet friends

     C. Go to a movie.



Now, please see this activity and try to answer it according to above explanations.


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