
  • Oh my God !

    I couldnt believe my eyes !

    dear Sinderellasal,do u think to reach an aim we should do whatever we can ?!

    I couldnt get ur idea,what do u mean by that??

    u believe that "the end justifies the means"?????

  • Wow !! A very nice  good point .

    I would like to chat with you  .............  :->

  • Well, as an almost old member of EC and to be more to the point an active member of EC who's spent lots of time in the chatroom for months, I am here to share my experiences ...

    When I started to chat, firstly the bad side of it was presented to me ...People who just chat for fun and to waste time and to satisfy their sort of evil part attacked me ...But thanks God, soon I learned how to detect them and skip chatting with them ...Yet there are some who are really sly ...Thus you can hardly find their true intention and if they are true to you or not ...In this case you should be so careful ...You should learn how people can be so cunning and this way you can prevail their devil mind and intention ...Yet, you can learn a lot through even chatting with such sly people ...But you should watch what you are told ...Not to accept whatever you are told just because you think the person who is telling you is TRUSTWORTHY! Never ...

    But ...Throughout my improving in the ups and downs of the chatrooms I've found so many nice and kind people with whom I am still in touch ...Some friends whom I got to know throughout months of living,really living with them and I found them real friends ...Some native and fluent speakers ...Some many years older than me with whom I was feeling comfortable and finally I would see their advices were wise ...

    I say that chatting is a good way to improve your English ...But not to get hurt and annoyed you should be so clever and wise ...Find the RIGHT ones to talk with ...And you gain such ability through experience and also through your friends ...You can ask your trusted friends to introduce some native speakers who kindly devote their time to learners ...Or other fluent speakers ...But never ever get used to anyone ...

    And I recommend that you not share your personal info with anyone ...

    All the time keep God in your mind and heart and ask Him to neutralize all evil aiming toward your clear heart ...

    Wishing you a happy time ...


    • Wo0w!!

      Dear Zahra! You are full of information in this field!!

      You are a real treasure.

    • tnx 4 sharing that !

      I think it's a necessity 4 us being careful & aware about around us.

      u mentioned it clearly & tangible.

      I completely agree with u,dear Zahra :)

  • yes dear,

    I agree with u,but I wanna know about chat room more.what's ur idea about that?

    Is it useful like to participate in other activities here ?

    4 example here,in this group,we r able to learn from each other from point of vocab,grammar,...

    what about chat room? 

    • Sorry to intrude here know chat room is sth other than commenting or discussions ...When you chat it is as if you are speaking almost simultaneously as you are thinking ...yet it is also different from voice speaking since when you talk in voice you have less time to ponder and think but when you write and chat you have more time to think ...

      Anyway, I just wanted to say that when you chat, your ability to talk more fluently improves ...It helps you get more courage to talk ...Since you have less time to look up the dictionary and type ...Thus you have to rely on your knowledge and you should find simple words to express your meaning ...I hope that you get what I mean ...Sorry if I am not explicit enough ...Hmm ....let me explain more ...When you are asked sth in the chat room, you don't have much time to prepare the answer ...But in discussions, you think more, you have more time, you can check the dictionary more and you can delete and revise your writing ...But the chatroom is a live talk ...This way you can be more fluent in speaking (through writing chat even ) ...later you'll find it easier to even have voice chat and voice talks ...Do you agree ?

  • Dear azam

    I think yes. We can trust each other 100%!

    But trusting in this high degree needs some conditions.

    Let me explain about it please.

    We are in EC to learn English otherwise we are wrong about being here. So, we who are here for that goal can learn many things from each other. Not only can we learn English but also many something else. It doesn’t depend on who our friends are in the real world in my idea. What is important is their personality here. So, if a person wants to hide his/her real personality I think it won’t be bad for us at all, because virtual world has some rules for itself. EC is a virtual world and we can’t expect from each other to be our real personality, of course being our real character and telling the truth is always admirable. (But I’m speaking about the worst possibility now). We must consider that we can’t change others’ character or want from them to be good! What we need really here is accepting EC as a virtual world. If we have the power of distinguishing between good and bad we can always believe everybody’s saying except their sayings were proved wrong. In this way their saying can’t hurt us at all. Because we are trying to learn something from them, if we have the ability of recognizing good and bad we will be able to elicit good things from their sayings.

    But I want to speak about the other aspect of this subject. “Chat”. Not only here, I mean totally in the virtual world.

    As you know, we are human and we can’t close our eyes to this fact that our feeling is always active. When we are speaking (Or it’s better that I say chatting) maybe we would be affected by others sayings. And we often forgot that we are seeing one dimension of their personality. So the feeling of like or in higher level love will make easily. Unfortunately this problem is much commoner among our teenagers, because they don’t have correct imagination from this world. They are so simple, their hearts is empty of every evil, so they are ready to accept the first feeling that they will feel, easily. And also this problem is more among our girls, because they are more sensitive. But we can train them the rules of this world for preventing this serious problem.

    Of curse EC is different in my idea, because we are speaking in English, so most of people are adults here. (Knowing English and being able to speak and write needs enough old. Adults can prevent this problem easier, but we may also see some of these problems here that I think it needs some attentions too).

    I don’t know what you meant about “chatting” exactly. If you mean the discussions I think yes it really helps us with learning English. But just from writing aspect.

    And about Chat rooms, I don’t use them. So I can’t say any thing about them. But I have experienced the other chat room in other place that it was also in English. And I think it was so useful for learning English. In fact I think we can use everything for learning English but in this condition that we try to earn enough information about it, about its rules, its advantages and its disadvantages. Then we can understand using it is good or bad for us.

    • Dear Sahar,

      maybe I brought up my question badly.I believe that we can trust each other 100%,but my aim to drag this subject into discussion is to clarify the other dimension that u have mentioned.

      exactly that part we face a false feeling like what u have numbered.but do u think it's under control & it belongs only to teenagers ?! havent u heard about those pepole who got into a trouble without any previous decision? Of course I got ur idea & it's near to my opinion,but I wanna use this situation & express that to get into a trouble ,both teenagers & adults have a similar condition.

      It's tacitly underestood that sometimes feeling is happening without our authority !of course I wouldnt deny our power as a human being but be aware that sometimes it defys underestanding ! 

    • Never control your feelings. Let them emanate. Our feelings will appear when we see beauties and goodness because they come from our heart. Our feelings never lie. Trusting them can show the best and correct way.

      But what is the first feeling?

      It is love…

      But which love?

      The love of humans related to themselves. All of humans love themselves and every thing that they do is due to this feeling. And of course it is very holy, so we must respect it and try to annihilate every thing that will hurt this nice feeling or at least remove them from ourselves.

      If the feelings that will appear here are really damaging we must prevent them surely. We are responsible about our action. We can't say that it is incontrollable.

      I believe that everything will be under control. But how?

      Just by practice. Yes… practice. It only needs practice. Maybe it is so hard but it isn’t impossible.

      Dear azam, if we believe this fact that our life will face with ruin then we are able to do everything for saving it.

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