Here is a list of sentences in random order about the wonders of Hawaii.


     First, please read all of the sentences and look for the best way in which they might be organized in an outline form. Then categorize the items into four major sections and some minor ones.

For having more information about its categorizing please check HOW TO WRITE AN OUTLINE.


__ __ 1. The mountains are among the loveliest in the world.

__ __ 2. The pleasant climate is caused by the northeast trade wind.

__ __ 3. Flowers, such as orchids, are surprisingly easy to grow.

__ __ 4. The mountains are high and forested, with many waterfalls.

__ __ 5. Third, there are the flowers.

__ __ 6. The average temperature is 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

__ __ 7. The population is made up of Caucasians, Japanese, Filipinos, Chinese,Puerto

         Ricans, Koreans, and Hawaiians.

__ __ 8. First, there is the climate.

__ __ 9. The mountains are close to the ocean.

__ __ 10. The highest temperature ever recorded is 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

__ __ 11. Finally, there are the people.

__ __ 12. The hibiscus flowers bloom in at least 20 colors.

__ __ 13. Second, there are the mountains.

__ __ 14. These people live together in reasonable harmony.


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