Christopher Columbus :
           He was born in Italy ,in 1415s were a time of change in Europe. At that time, a lot of people in the world thought that the earth was flat.However,many educated Europeans realised that the earth was indeed round.

            This possibility of a round earth changed the way that people thought. It was also of great interest to Columbus.When he was a young man,he decided to study Geography. He also decided to go to sea.Columbus wanted to find the answer to a major geographical problem.

             At that time ,Europeans wanted spices from India and China .However,it cost too much money to carry these products from the East using the traditional land and sea routes.

             Columbus wanted to find a new sea route from Europe to Asia .He knew that the earth was round. Because of this, Columbus though he could reach the East by sailing west.However,he also knew that sailing around the world would be costly .Therefore,he needed a lot of money to find out if he was right.

 be continued ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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