
  • Hi ladyenglish:
    Thanks alot for your nice comment. I like using the body language ,you are right. So we can help even if our language is weak.
    Have a nice day.

    Ladyenglish said:
    Hi Emilie
    If I were in that situation, I'd keep saying go go go then go. He heheheh, I'm just kidding.
    Firstly, I'd tell her/him that my English language is weak. Secondly, as the other friends here said I'd use my body language else I'd go with her/him by myself to that place.
  • Hi Reem:
    My dear friend ...I said before ,you are a logic and wise thinker. Thanks alot for your answer. Have a nice day.

    reem ali said:
    Hi Emilie
    If I were in this situation, I will look for other person who can answer him/her.
  • Hi Yasir:
    How are you my friend? Thanks alot for your answer. It's lovely answer.Have a nice day.

    Yasir said:
    Hi friends,
    If I was in that situation,I would try to use simple words and sentences.
    If he/she couldn't understand me, I would simply take her/his hand and guide him/her
    to the place where that something is :) .
  • Hi Emilie
    If I were in this situation, I will look for other person who can answer him/her.
  • Hi friends,
    If I was in that situation,I would try to use simple words and sentences.
    If he/she couldn't understand me, I would simply take her/his hand and guide him/her
    to the place where that something is :) .
  • Hi sweet dream:
    How are you my friend? I missed you. Thanks alot for your answer. You are right in the two cases. Have a nice time.

    Sweet dream said:
    Hi Emilie,
    I am a little bit confused here. You meant that I didn't understand what he was talking or I didn't know the information he was asking?
    For the case #1: I would ask him to speak slowly so that I could understand him. Then i'd try to explain to him in my terrible English :)
    For the case #2: I would say sorry to him and continue walking.
    Sweet dream
  • Hi Emilie,
    I am a little bit confused here. You meant that I didn't understand what he was talking or I didn't know the information he was asking?
    For the case #1: I would ask him to speak slowly so that I could understand him. Then i'd try to explain to him in my terrible English :)
    For the case #2: I would say sorry to him and continue walking.
    Sweet dream
  • Hi Kamel:
    you are right ,she mentioned the great way to solve the problem.Thanks for your comment.Have a nice day.

    kamel Adas said:
    Hi Emilie,
    I think i'll do like Lily said.I'll use body language.
  • Hi dear Lily:
    You are right ,that is the best way to communicate with others if you don't know how to answer them.I like your answer.Thanks alot.Have a wonderful day.

    Lily Chen said:
    Hi Emilie:

    If I cannot understand his/her meaning,or I cannot to hear clear his/her English accent.

    I can see his/her body language ,then use my body language to express for his/her question.Or if I have a pen and a paper.I will draw on the paper,and we can use this paper to connect.
  • Hi Emilie,
    I think i'll do like Lily said.I'll use body language.
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