How are you? in many languages

In most languages, this phrase is used more as a greeting or part of a greeting rather than as a enquiry about your health. The reply is often along the lines of "I'm well/fine, thank you, and you?"In Albania..they say "Si jeni?" and the answer is 'Mirë"Tell us about your languages..

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  • Hi Emilie.
    In Uzbekistan u can say:
    Hello - Assalomu alaykum
    answer: Voalaykum assalam

    How are you - Sog'liqlaringiz yaxshimi?
    Fine , thanks and u? - Yaxshi rahmat , uzizngizchi?
  • hi Emilie
    thanks for the topic
    i m moroccan in morocco we say :salam kidair labass aalik ,and we answer labass , lhamdollah
    see you with more topics
  • From:Gualberto,Caracas,Venezuela.

    In spanish we say:

    ¿Cómo estas tu?

    Yo estoy bien y tu.

    Regards, from Caracas,Venezuela.
  • hi emilie in my country,Indonesia,,...we say "Apa kabarmu? and the answer is "aku baik-baik saja,terima kasih."
    but if they in the bad condition or mybe was sick,,,,,
    they answer is : "kurang baik,buruk,kurang sehat,,or banyak masalah"
    that's my languange.....actually i like this topic very much^_^
    thank you for this nice topic emilie....
  • Hello Ross:
    Thanks alot for these information about Afrikaans...Have a lovely day..

    Ross van Benschoten said:
    In Afrikaans they say "How are you: hoe gaan dit met jou"

    A usual response would be "Very good, thanks. And You? : Baie goed dankie, en self?"
  • Hello my dear Maya:
    I have to say that you have a very lovely name...Thanks alot for this lovely information ...You are most welcome..Have a nice day..

    Maya said:
    Hello everybody. I'm from Russia and we greet each other saying
    fomal (hello) - Здравствуйте. The answere is the same - Здравствуйте.
    Informal (hi) - Привет.
    How are u? - Как дела?
    I'm fine. - Отлично. Хорошо.
    And u? - А у тебя?
  • Hello my friend Nguyen:
    Thanks alot for these wonderful information about your language..It is nice of you to share..Have a wonderful day..

    Nguyen Thu Huyen said:
    I haven't seen anyone post in Vietnamese so i try
    In Vietnamese, hic, many way to say, don't know which way is best common ^^. I will take some example
    1. Xin chào - Answer: Xin chào
    2. Chào bạn - Answer: chào bạn
    3. Chào anh - Answer: chào em
    ..... many ways :P
  • Hello Abdul Malik:
    Thanks alot for your nice comment..Have a nice day..

    Abdul Malik said:
    In Malay...we say "Apa khabar?"the answer is"Khabar baik.
  • Hello Michel:
    You are most welcome and I am very happy to have as one of our friends here...Thanks alot for your comment..Have a lovely day..

    Michel de Araujo said:
    Hello! How are you?
    This is my first time here.
    In Portuguese you can say:

    Como está você?
    Tudo bem?
    Como tem passado?

    Estou bem! E com você?
    Sim! E você?
    Bem, obrigado(a)!

    See you.
  • Hello my lovely lyn:
    Thanks alot for your kind words..Thanks for these information about your country..Nice country really..Have a lovely day..

    lyn said:
    hi emilie..

    in malaysia, we have many races and so many dialects.. but as a malay generally we say, 'apa khabar' and the answer is 'khabar baik dan terima kasih'.

    terima kasih (thanks) emile, nice topic.

    have a good day..

    nice topic
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