hello I'm Ela from Poland. I would like to speak in English. I'm studing English language on the firt year, but I' m not as good as my friends at school, so I need to make a progress so quickly because the exams are soon. Thanks for everyone

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  • Hi, Ela, I'm ready to help you, my skype is aizhana1213

    Good luck and best regards!
  • Hi Ela.

    I have to do an important exam next month and as you I must make a quick progress because it´s very important. If you want, we can chat via msn or maybe use skype. My ids were:
    chachi3009 (skype).

    I hope we could help one another to improve our English.

    See you soon.

  • You are welcome for practise to me!! msn:mecanica_fisica@hotmail.com
    Skype: marcilio5891
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