Building self Control

Step 1:Meditate regularly to clear your mind of confusion. A calm mind is more capable of maintaining self-control under stressful circumstances than a disorganized mind.Step 2:Write down specific goals for yourself, such as refraining from cursing while driving. List the steps you'll take to meet those goals, such as listening to calm music, leaving for destinations early or substituting acceptable language when frustrated.Step 3:Review your goals weekly to determine your progress. Once you've met goals in one area, set new goals at a higher level.Step 4:Keep a journal of your daily activities. Notice events that precede a decline in self-control. Try to avoid these circumstances if possible. Increase participation in activities that make you happy.Step 5:Practice positive self-talk techniques. Instead of thinking,"I'm already late, so there's no point in trying anymore." think, "This is late, but I'm getting it done and following through with a commitment."Step 6:Slow your response time by taking several deep, cleansing breaths before reacting. Develop a thoughtful look for these moments, during which you take a mental vacation.Step 7:Find an acceptable outlet for stress. Sports and other high energy activities may help. Also, consider stress-reducing activities, such as yoga.Tips & WarningsTry to counter every negative thought with three positive thoughts.

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  • Hi Kamel:
    Thanks alot for your opinion ..It's great to use yoga to control your anger ...Have a peaceful life..

    kamel Adas said:
    Hi Emilie,
    In work there are a lot of things made me losing my temper.In fact they are useful tips to control ourselves.I use yoga and i think it's very useful.Thanks for these tips.
    so long
  • Hi Saso:
    I love to read your comments..May Allah bless you..Thanks alot for this right opinion..Have a nice day...

    Saso said:
    Hello again and again my dear ....

    You are always right , i like this :Try to counter every negative thought with three positive thoughts. It is really nice one and as we all know that being positive always makes a geart different with people and your life .
    Self esteem makes the one feel strong to do anything he thinks it is right and defend his thoughts and opinions without any fear that it could be wrong or cause problems .

    Thanx Emi
    Keep always active ^_*
  • Hello Farid:
    I'm fine ,thank you..How are you too? English is my second Language...I study English in the university..Have a nice day

    farid ahmad said:
    hi Emillie how r u? thanks for sending comment to me .....i always reading your topices i liked could you tell me how old are you? , where you studyed english is it english your native language or 2nd language ...
  • Hi Emilie,
    In work there are a lot of things made me losing my temper.In fact they are useful tips to control ourselves.I use yoga and i think it's very useful.Thanks for these tips.
    so long
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  • Hello again and again my dear ....

    You are always right , i like this :Try to counter every negative thought with three positive thoughts. It is really nice one and as we all know that being positive always makes a geart different with people and your life .
    Self esteem makes the one feel strong to do anything he thinks it is right and defend his thoughts and opinions without any fear that it could be wrong or cause problems .

    Thanx Emi
    Keep always active ^_*
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