Raspberry jam&syrop

Yesterday I made these delicacies for winter days,when we are short of these fine fruits.

I prepare jam on a very easy way:I count 650g sugar for each kilogram of fruit,put layers in a large vessel,and sugar on each layer.It have to stay for a day in that sugar,and have to be stired a few times.After 24 hours,we filter the fruit,and make syrop from the juice and jam from the pulp.(I boil the jam about 25 minutes on a very low heat.After it's ready to be measured into bottles,but cover just after 1 or 2 days.)

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  • Ok Farid:))
    You know the saying:Practice makes perfect!...(it's true even in kitchen!)
  • Oh my dear,Farid,try not to put salt in it the next time...lol...it's a shame to waste the precious fruit.

    I found the meaning of the word brackish in my dictionary as the following=somewhat salty,or having an unpleasant taste,nauseating

    Next time rather leave it to your Mum,it's not a man's job to do it,isn't it?
  • Hi Monika
    i willbe glade to visit your country oneday inshallah
    to visit the wood too ..i feel that you are lucky because your country has woods...to get wild plants ..mine is a mountainous ...almost fulls of olive trees.

    ps.do you know what does Mashallah mean?(here)
    mashallah =God bless your work or your food ....God bless (something)
  • Hi Farid,
    you are welcome,but I don't really understood your last sentence!...:D
  • Thank you dear Rose!
    When you come around here,you can taste it too:xD

    rose said:
    hi Monika
    hard work ..but ur family is lucky ..to taste it mmmmmm
    even its color so nice too
    Mashallah a large quantity..Bon Appetit
  • Thank you dear Dedene for your appreciation.
    You won't believe it,but we gathered all of it in the nearby forest.:D
    So imagine,it's wild raspberry,and even more tasty than the one from the garden.:)
    (Here there is a huge hillside full of rasperries,my father discovered it last year,when he was surching for boletus.
    This year we gathered ca.20 liters so far,I put in the fridge too a good amount from them.It is still ripening now,so we will go back.It's a fairly hard work,but worth the "weariness"!
    Actually it always grows on the place of completly cutten hillside,but just in case these woods were beech.-Hope you will understand this sentence.)
    I'll take a photo of it for you,because I know it must sound strange...lol...

    fillefrancaise said:
    You must have a huge raspberry patch! How many kilos of fruit did you grow this year? Your jam and syrup look very good.
  • hi Monika
    hard work ..but ur family is lucky ..to taste it mmmmmm
    even its color so nice too
    Mashallah a large quantity..Bon Appetit
  • Hi dear Rose,
    You are right,both the jam and the syrop has a magnificient taste!
    Very refreshing with soda water,or with ice cubes and water...mmmm...yummy!
    No,I made more,just for the sake of the picture I put 2 bottles of syrop and 2 jars of jam there.:))
    By the way,-as we are a syrop loving family-I'm still making syrop according to another method,but it's a little more complicated,and requires more work,but the final result is as delicious as by the above mentioned method.
    (I squash the fruit in a big 5l bottle,

    and dispose to the sunshine for 5-6 days.After,-at the end of the 6th day -you have to filter thorouhly-it's the difficult part of it:)-than measure 1kg of sugar to each litre of the juice,and let boil for 8-10 minutes,than put to bottles.)
    Thank you for your comment.
  • Hi dear Monika
    wow nice job mmmmmmmm i can imagine the taste.

    Only this quantity for the winter??
    so the rady jam is in the bottles
    wat about the jars?
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