My  dear friends! This month we will vote for the most interesting question of September. All members of this group can take part in voting.Perhaps, there should be some estimation criteria so that our choice will be somehow grounded. I propose the following criteria:

1. The question, itself, caused your desire to know the answer.

2. The question was asked in such a way that the easiest answer seemed to be beyond your understanding.

3. It was not easy (or was impossible) to google the answer.

Sure, you can take into account your own criteria. But, I'd like you to remember, that we vote for a question, not for its answer.

If you post your comment and then, change your mind, you should delete the previous comment and post another. I will go on adding the questions, so, such a situation is quite possible. Each person has to choose 5 best questions. I hope, this month we will avoid the situation where all gamers choose different questions.

Now, how we vote. To make it easy, just tell the numbers of the rounds. All the questions asked in September are put to the vote. The author of the best question will get an interesting fiction.

So, here are the questions asked in September:

Round 1 (Afro)
Q: Who was always present along with Alexander the Great in all expeditions?

A: Ptolemáios.

Round 2 (Dan)

Category: theater.

Score: 500.

Question: this outstanding Russian ballerina who won the audience of many countries and made Russian ballet famous all over the world, lived abroad for many years and always wanted to return back to Russia. But even her ashes are still in The Netherlands.

Answer: Anna Pavlova.

Round 3 (Afro) is a name of a dadly virus. Its death toll is really very high. An animal is responsible for its dispense. You have to tell the name of the virus.


Round 4 (Noas)

My question is : "Who was went to Athens as a tourist but was persuaded to participated in an event, even borrowing a pair of shoes and won golds." Your answer should be the name of the person and the event.

Answer: John Boland. He won the single and double gold for tennis in the Olympic 1896 in Athens. 

Round 5 (ELF).

Question: What am I? (picture)

Answer: central unit/system unit/ computer case.

Round : 6 (Serene)

Question:  Two sisters, who were bounced out of the first round of women's doubles at the Rio Olympics.  You just need to tell their name.

Answer: Venus and Serena Williams.

Round 7 (Dan)

Question: This movie actress is known thanks to two famous American TV series. In one of them, she was one of a few main characters, but in the more recent series she is much older and is the only one main character. You should tell me the name of the actress.

Answer: Dana Delany.

Round 8 (Dan)

Question: In the box is a stuff used by many of us every day. Some of people started using it at the early age, but most of people usually start using it after 40. What is in the box?

Answer: reading glasses.

Round: 9 (ELF)
Question: The pronunciation of the whole word is same as the first letter of that Word. So what is that WORD???

Answer: queue.

Round : 10 (Serene)

Question:  An American romantic movie gained commercial success, although being poorly acknowledged by critics. It was filmed generally on location in South Carolina. In the story, Hero and Heroine who were met in their teens and love each other madly. They were forced to separate for many years,  in the end, she was spotted with Alzheimer's disease, which helped to erase her memories. Please tell me the name of the movie and their character’s name in the movie.

Answer: The Notebook and Noah and Allie.

Round 11 (Dan).

Question: This word can be used as a noun and as a verb. As a noun, it is used in different meanings. As a thing, it can be made of different materials: plastic, paper, metal. Also, it is one of the computer terms.

Answer: a file.

Round 12 (Dan).

Question: European history doesn't know many cases of royal people's execution. But this royal person, despite his abdicating the throne, was executed in such a horrific and brutal way that the world was paralized with terror.

Answer: Nickolas, the Second, Romanov and his family including the babies and the servants and even the pets. They were shot and thrown down into a gully. Their corpses were poured with sulfuric acid for nobody to recognize their bodies. They were not even buried.

Round: 13 ( ELF).

Question: Number can have any numbers of digits from 0 to 15, Last Six digits in 0 to 15 is represent in that Number by English First Six alphabets.. That type of Number known as??? 

Answer: Hexadecimal Number.

Round 14 (Dan).

Question: In the box are two things. One of them is living, the other is not, but we define them with the same word.

Answer: a mouse.

Round 15 (Peppo)
Question: Meet mesosaurus, a small reptiles which lived in fresh water lakes and streams million of years ago during the lower permain age. It has had a big impact on how we view our planet because he helped to prove the existence of a continent. What is the name of this continent?

Answer: Gondwanaland.

Round 16 (Tanya).

Question: You may know that cats lick each other and people. If they lick people, what do they want to "tell" us, what do they mean?

Answer: when they lick us or other cats they accept us/other cats as members of their families.

Round 17 (Afro)

Question:  There is a thing in a black box. The first part of its name is a name of an animal and last part is a vege.....what its name.

Answer: Horseradish.

ROUND 18 (Tanya).

Question: In the box is something we use every day, but sometimes we hate it because it tells us the truth we don't want to know.

Answer: a mirror.


Question: Network Term which is also use for human being of Either Gender Or one specific gender…what is that Term??? . 

Answer: MAN (metropolitan-area network).

Round – 20 (Mishaikh)

Question: In  1883 there was a volcanic eruption in a southeast Asian country (island) which destroyed almost entire island.  In result a Tsunami (40 m high ocean wave) also caused the massive destruction.   A movie was made on this event in 1969.  The movie makers made re-made all the volcanic eruption and the tsunami.  You have to tell the name of the movie which is after the name of the island.

Answer: Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatoa"(Indonesia).

Round 21 (Dan).

Question: In Christian countries exists the superstition that Friday 13 is the unluckiest day. Contrary to many others, this superstition has historic background. What happened on Friday 13 many centuries ago?

Answer: On this day in March 1314, Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, was burned alive in Paris at the order of King Phillip IV.

Round 22 (Serene).

Question- Cheez its have a hole in the middle, what is the reason behind it? 

Answer: This hole in the middle prevents them from rising too high during ba king.

Round 23 (Dan).

Question: It has no legs, but it runs. It has no teeth or claws, but it may hurt. It has no arms or fists, but it may knock you down. What is it?

Answer: high pressure water jet.

Round 24 (Afro).

Question: It is a tree. Its fruits are welknow.but we also get juicy water from it. What is the name of that tree.

Answer: a date palm.

Round 25( Dan).

Question: this tree grows in the moderate climate, mostry in Europe. When it blossoms it is breathtaking. It is not a fruit tree, but its seeds, sometimes about 5 cm in diameter  are eatable. There is one spesies of this tree which seeds are considered to be delicatessen. They are really very tasty and sweet when fried. What is the name of this tree?

Answer: a chestnut tree.

Round : 26 (serene)

Question.. In the box is something, when you pull its skin off, it will not cry but some tears will be shedding from your eyes, please try to guess what is in the box?

Answer: a head of onions.

Round 27 (DAN).

Question: You should guess two words. Their spelling is different but the pronouncing is absolutely the same. One of them is a noun defining an animal, the other is an adjective charcterising the sound of our voices.

Answer: a horse and hoarse.

Round 28 (Luci)
- One of Greek islands
- You can feel mythology in the air in its capital city
- Beaches are sandy but also u can find pebble beaches there
- You can travel the whole island in one day
- Inhabitants are used to earthquakes
- War movie was shot there in the 20th century

Answer: Rodos (Phodes).

Round 29 (Dan).

Question: This famous ancient woman had everything a human being could ever desire. Her appearance was stunning, her smartness was beyound of men's understanding, her power and security were so high, she seemed to need anything more. But her desire to reach the top and her intrigues made her commit suicide one day. You should answer three questions: who was that woman (her name), what country she lived in and what was the reason for her commiting suicide.

Answer: Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt ... she committed suicide because Rome defeated Egypt army.

Round 30 (Tanya).

Question: There is a famous Australian TV series "Wonderland" where two of the main characters start the bar. What was the name of that bar and those characters?

Answer: The Wine Rack; Sasha and Tom.

Round 31 (Serene).

Question: A famous historic place, where it is? 

Answer: Eram Garden, Persia, Iran.

Round 32 (Dan).

Question: This word defines something we like to have. It is a compound. The first part is a name of a bird.

Answer: cocktail.

Round 33 (Afro).

Question: There is something in the black box. It is a thing we like to eat. Its first part refers to an animal! What is its name?

Answer: mammoth blackberry.

ROUND 34 (Dan).

Question: When there is none of IT, we are looking forward to IT, we are praying for it to come. But when there is too much of IT, we start hating and even coursing IT. IT can revive, but IT can kill. What is IT?

Answer: a rain.

Round 35 (Risty)

Question: What do you call a person who undergone primitive surgery to mutilate his/her organ to induce impotence, remove sexuality, and accept a noble duty in his life.

Answer: eunch/spado(nes)/castrate/asexual person.

ROUND 36 (Dan).

Question: Two men started talking about women and one of them said: "I love them so much that only one is not enough for me. I would like to have them all at least for one night". The other replied: "Tastes differ. I hate them all and if there were none, my life would be better". Now, you should find the right words to define each of men. Your words should be nouns only.

Answer: a womanizer and a misogynist.

ROUND 37(Dan).

Question: One ancient hero decided to steal something very important  from his gods and to give it to people. Before his heroic act, to make what he stole had been gods' privilege.But gods punished him very cruelly and brutally. What is the name of that hero and what he brought to people?

Answer: Prometheus who brought people fire.

Round : 38 (Serene).

Question He was a famous British English writer and social critic, like to read and reread voraciously. His father spent money more than earned, in his early age, his father was sent to prison for debt. So his education was interrupted ,in spite of his lack of formal education,  he wrote many novels,  non-fiction articles ,short stories, …what is his name and the serial publication book's name that help to success his literary?

Answer: Charles Dickens.

Round 39 (Tanya).

Question: It may have golden color, but it is not gold. It may cost even more than gold, but it is not a precious stone. What is in the box?

Answer: saffron/crocus.

Round : 40 (Serene)

Question: While I was in a park, I saw a boat full of people but there wasn’t a single person, why?

Answer: They all were married.

Round : 41 (Serene)

Question: It is about a question, when you asked the question people would always give different answer for the same question, though answer is always different but all times, it is right. What is the question?

Answer: what is your name?

Round 42 (Dan).

Question:  If we have IT, we don't want to give IT back, but the longer we think whether to give it back, the more of IT we get.

Question: a debt.

Round : 43 (Peppo)
Question : Name a movie where the main character send letters to death, love and time

Answer: Collateral beauty.

Round 44 (Dan).

Question: The expression "to throw a blackball" or "to blackball" is still used in academic circles. What does it mean and what its origin is?

Answer: It means to vote against something or, rather someone. This tradition originated in ancient Athens where black and white stones were used for voting.

Round 45 (Luci)
Question: the musician and extravagant singer born on the island who studied in India being a boy, who loved cats and sang in the same band until he died.

Answer: Freddie Mercury.

Round: 46 (ELF)

Question: So innocent plant, can be angry very easily by just touching the leave of that plant, leaves bend inward when you touch them, name of that plant came from Latin. whats the name of that  plant??

Answer: Mimosa pudica (family Fabaceae).

Round: 47 (Mishaikh)


It was a movie released in 1959 an American epic historical drama directed by William Wyler, produced by Sam Zimbalist for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, starring Charlton Heston As the title character.  This movie had the largest budget of the time $ 15 millian as well as the largest sets built of any film produced at the time. WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE MOVIE?

Answer: Ben Hur.

Round 48 (Peppo)

Question : What is the name of this old vehicle? (picture)

Answer: zeppelin.

Round 49.(Afro)

Question: It grows in a tree. And the trees can not grow in dry soil. The fruit is addible but usually people do not like to have them. But monkey and other animals like aligators like to eat them. Question...what is the name of the fruit.

Answer: Annona glabra.

Round:50 (ELF)
Question: Name the animal, Which can drink max 25 gallons of water at a time????

Answer: a camel.

Question:While I went towards my hometown, I saw my uncles and his 5 children’s, each with their pet of cat.  Tell me, how many people went towards hometown?

Answer: one.

Round:52 (Onee)

Look at the picture below!

I took this pic at 08.10 a.m. If you pay attention to the shadow, you can estimate where the sun was. But, my question is...."ACCORDING TO THE PLANT, WHERE WAS I WHEN TAKING THIS PICTURE??" (consider about 8 directions).

Answer: south east.

Round : 53 (serene)

Question: GNIR- what does it mean or explain ? It is not an abbreviation.

Answer: anagram.

Round : 54(Afro)

There is a  living thing in a black box. It is a fish and  very tasty. It lives in the salty and fresh water body. Name it.

Answer: hilsha.

Round 55 (Luci)
Question: He was novelist, poet, interpreter.
He lived in the southern Europe.
His one book was very famous but forbidden

Answer: J. Boccaccio ( Decamerone).

Round 56 (Dan).

Queastion: One great Russian poet wrote a great poem where one of the main characterers had the same name as my wife. What is the name of the poet and this poem?

Answer: Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin.

Round 57 (Dan).

Question: In the box is a thing. We like what is inside IT and we can buy IT in the store. The material IT is made of can be recycled. The word defining this thing is also used as an auxiliary. What is in the box?

Answer: a can of beer/some other beverage.

Round 58 (Onee).

Question: What is the name of the product derived from bee's saliva which has more effectiveness than honey?

Answer:  propolis.

Round 59 (Dan).

Question: In one of rather small American towns is a museum of an outstanding Spanish artist. The name of this town is the same as the name of the Russian city. What are the names of the artist and the town/city?

Answer: Salvador Dali, St.Petersburg, Florida, USA.

Round : 60 (Peppo)
Question : Name an insect that can survive in many extreme condition by hibernate or pretend to be dead but recovered fast after give it a little water.

Answer: polypedium vanderplanki aka sleeping chironomid.

Round 61 (Dan).

Question: We may hate IT and may desire IT. We  may keep IT or break IT. IT may offend or insult, but IT may give consent. Some people say It is gold(en). What is IT?

Answer: silence.

Round : 62 (Serene)

Question: It is a fruit and Spain is the world's largest producer of its.The tree and its fruits name mentioned several times in the Quran, also Bible and Shakespeare’s book, too. What is the name of the fruit?

Answer: olive.

Round 63 (Dan).

Question: IT can inspire us or put us down. It can be expressed or withhold. We all want to know IT, but we are sometimes scared to hear IT. What is IT?

Answer: an opinion.

Round 64 (Tanya).

Question: I believe you all know that living creatures may be polyhamic and monohamic. So, what living creature is considered to be a symbol of faithfulness in love? It is not a human being!

Answer: a swan.

Round : 65 (Serene)

Question:I am dark but a mysterious thing is that don’t like the darkness and only exist from my place when there is light. Name it ? 

Answer: a shade.

Round 66 (Tanya).

Question: such people are mentioned in Bible and Quran, some modern people think they really exist(ed), but in the Middle Ages those who were suspected to be that kind, were burned down alive. What were those people?

Answer: a prophet.

Round 67 (Peppo)
Question: You hug it but it's not your lover. You pluck it but it's not a flower. What is it?

Answer: the guitar.

Round 68 (Risty)

Question: we have IT and we cannot live without IT, but when we are going to take something with IT, we try to get rid of IT, according to one book, IT can speak but IT doesn't have a literal mouth, not literal voice. What is IT?

Answer: blood.

Round 69 (Luci)

Question: This is my original puzzle, so let's see if it is easy or not :)

You can find me in the tree,
you can eat me - one, two,three.
Just undress my sexy body,
and share me with everybody.
I am pretty hard and brown,
to collect me, better look down..

Answer: walnuts.

Round 70 (Dan).

Question: We can feel IT, but we can't touch IT. We all want to experience IT, but at the same time some of us are scared to face IT. IT can raise us to heavens and throw us into an abyss, but we don't mind, we want to feel it in spite of all.

Answer: love.

Round 71.

Question: This ancient woman had had many lovers and enough influence before she got married to the famous commander/philosopher/writer who later became a king. Among her lovers was Alexander the Great, most of his friends and generals. You should tell me the names of this woman and her husband and the country they ruled.

Answer: Thais of Athens and Ptolemaios, one of the best Alexander's friends. Alexander made Ptolemáios a king of Egypt.

Round 72.

Question: before the firearms were invented, this cold weapon had been one of the main during the attacks and storms. There are well-known historic and legendary characters who used this weapon in a very masterly fashion. Till now, some special troops use it. Besides, it is the main part of gear in one of the Olimpic sports. What is the name of this weapon and the name of sports?



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  • Wow! So sweet of you!  "The Firm" by John Grisham.... I will read with excitement,

    Thank you, dear Onee for your greeting.

  • Congratulation Tanya teacher and Serene.. .! ^_^
  • Hi, my friends! Voting is over and I can announce the results. Our new voting system worked out and we have got two questions which got the same maximun number of votes. They are:

    Round 39. Tanya's question about saffron.

    Round 53 Serene's question about an anagram GNIR.

    As my wife will get my special present, Serene will get an interesting book "The Firm" by John Grisham. Thanks everyone for the great questions!


  • Ok, so here are my candidates: 32, 48, 52, 59, 67
  • 11, 26, 36 (OMG!!) ,, 41, 52 (my own question)  :D

  • I hope I am not late for voting,. i like questions number 4, 20, 41, 45 and 60

  • Here is my selection of questions

    Thanks alot Dear Teacher Danny and Teacher tanya for the awesome Game..^.^
  • 60, 66,53,39,32
  • Dear teacher... I'm sorry for my belated response. I will come back again..... 

  • Hi Danny!
    Here is my choice:

    21 38 52 55 61

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