
  • Sir,
    The question is :you have said that you looked at religions including islam..If this is true,what do you think about islam regarding the terrorism which some mix with islam????
    • You absloutely can't judge a religion by some who pretend that they are followers of it.And there is no religion in the world asks its followers to murder or rape ..etc

      If I understand your response correctly, you mean that there are many muslims and christains who distort their you believe that religion exists. ?
    • Okay,
      So tell me what's wrong with Islam ?what the principles of Islam that you don't like ?
    • Okay,,,,,,,sorrrrrry
  • Hi ,

    I absloutely believe in God (Allah)and I love Him so much.

    We have One God in this world and there are many evidences to know this. The Quran ,the book of Allah, is the speech of Allah .

    Believe it or not, Allah exists and He saw you and he loves you.
    • Hi Jeffrey Raven,

      I have not got your point there.Can you explain please?
    • Dear Jeffrey Raven,

      Thanks for your reply.I respect all the religions .
      I can't deny the oneness of God because this is the basis of islam.

      In our islam,to be a real muslim you have to witness that there is only one God ,who is Allah .
    • Thanks sir,

      We all have different views ,and we should respect each other even we have different beliefs.
      I have one question,If you don't mind.
  • Hello pinki! I seems our group turned into group of philosophers :)) (jus kidding)

    Briefly speaking, I don't.

    When I lived in campus I had neighbours, who were baptists. They were my good friends and I remember we used to have long arguments on item wheather the God exists or not. We apllied great efforts to pursuade each other.

    But now I know, that it was all vain. The belief is irrational, it goes from heart. And if you belive in God you find evidences and arguments for it's existence. And on the contrary, if you don't belive you will be deaf to the other point of view.

    I think that if God realy exists, it very much differs from idea contained in modern religions. It smth so out of the way that our dull imagination just can't paint.

  • Hello Pinki!!

    No, I don't!!Despite just a few people know about that, and my mom and dad are not in the group, I don't believe in God. I was a religion person but I never trully believe in the things that I used to listen in the church or the God they talked about. I just want to live my life in peace, doing the better I can to be a good person. I feel more confortable not having to do all the things people say that God said. There are a lot of religions and different beliefs, so probably the people create an explanation to understand how the world was created and how the things happen. And the hell can be a usefull belief, because there are a lot of people that I know that just try to walk straight because have fear to go to hell.

    I really don't know if I'm right or wrong, but I'm feeling happier this way, and I respect all kind of belief, I just appreciate when people don't try to force me to listen and believe in their religion.


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