I must confess I felt uncomfortable, when I left my hometown to study at the University in another city.So after graduating from the University I came back to my town.I may have to leave Biysk for another place again and I start to develop a guilt-complex about it again.If I go travelling or I use the chances life generously offers, that should not be making me a bad person.What do you think about this kind of situation?

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  • Yes, Ika, this club lets us learn so many new things about world cultures!!!! it really broaden the horizons!!!
    I am checking this webpage every day.

  • A very good answer, Ika.
    I respect both your opinion and Mircea's.
    You, guys, are both right, each one in your own way.

    Have a good day!
  • You are very wise, Tanya.
    I am so happy I started this discussion here. It helps me get over my fears.
    Thanks , EVERYONE!

    Tanya said:
    I love my city very much. As a matter of fact, Kiev was my first love which can't ever be forgotten. div>
  • I love my city very much. As a matter of fact, Kiev was my first love which can't ever be forgotten. When I was young I often went out of Kiev on business to the north of Russia and those industrial cities were so polluted! I couldn't wait returning back to my green and beautiful city. But later on, when I started travelling all over the world, I realized that Kiev is not the best. There is a lot of beauty everywhere. As they say: "You should stop and take your time smelling the rose".
  • Yes, I agree, it often happens that that the small town can not offer as many job and education opportunities as a bigger city does. It is unfair to bury the talents God has given us

    salim said:
    Hi.No one wants to leave his hometown or city where he grew up and made a lot of friends.But if one cannot make a situation(job,house,wife,....etc) in his city or town,he has to leave his city to find more welcoming places elsewhere.
  • Yes, Mircea, you hit the jackpot! I may get a chance to go to the US to go through a graduate program of the University I visited with several times.
    My problem is that I am getting homesick, wherever I go. Of course, I keep myself busy and that helps. Besides modern means of communication help people talk to the family fast and easy.

    mircea said:
    It is all about homesick. Are you leaving for America ? - I remember a nice cartoon - "An American Tail" - do you know it ? - It is about a family of mice which leaves Russia for America. May I quote :) "there are no cats in America, but back home in mother Russia..." At least, they gave it a try :)
  • Ika, that's a very touching story. Thanks for sharing.
    I am so happy that there are people, who believe one can help the family and the hometown even when one is out of town.

    Your story helps me to get through my own concerns and a challenge of leaving my home town behind.

    Ika said:
  • I am relieved that I am not the only one, who feels guilty. It should probably be normal. Ramon, thanks for sharing.
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