A myth is a widely held false belief to which a person sticks despite it been proven untrue. Even though their falseness is obvious, sometimes they are too strong to resist, for eyes see what mind believes.
Salute to the grandmas, for these little dubious things (commonly called old wives' tales) are usually heard from our superstitious grandparents and as long as they are alive myths tree will remain green. We can't call these Myths bulls**t because our mind is fraught with uncertainty about them. While we are unsure about some, few stick arround for a while for science to catch up.
Talking of Health Myths, here are few that still pinch my mind. No matter how much I convince myself about their hollowness, I often get bullied by them.
You haven't lived summer if you haven't eaten Mangos... yum, tasty and delicious. The myth about mangos in my region is that if you don't drink "kachi lassi" (cold milk diluted with water and a small amount of salt to make it palatable) after eating mangos, you are gonna get 'prickly heat' :D hahaha....it's the wisdom laughing.
Avocados, I love them. My stupidity gets consolidated my grandma theory; worm-less avocados kill your intestinal worms. Haha, worms seem to love avocados and avocados seem to love worms. Another myth what the grandpa is more concerned about is that drinking water after eating avocados gives you tummy pain. Seems like pain is inflicted by avocados eating your intestinal worms :P
Last but not the least is a real Fundoo, I enjoy it the most. Drinking MILK after you eat FISH gives you Vitiligo (white patches on skin) lol.... Albeit, I believe in the autoimmune nature of vitiligo, I never have tried it for once haunted by my doubts.
I think I should be content with wrapping up my myths collection, for rest are for you to share.
What myths are common in your society?
Which myths do you believe in?
Feel no shy in sharing yours....
Camel said:
Before sharing my idea, rather than myth i prefer to use superstitious belief as conception.In my country, some people belives if their left hands are itching, they think that they will have to spend money(maybe car will have malfunction or spend on money for any obligatory events), However; when their right hands are itching, they belive that they will earn or have some money that it will be easily.
Yeah you are right. Old people had abstract thoughts, their thoughts were endowed with the capacity to intellect. But all what they confabulate can't be taken as true. Myth is still is myth.
ⓔⓡⓩⓐ said:
A few days ago we were talking about this issue with a friend.Old people say that we must not stay under a walnut tree because it may cause us die earlier.My friend said that the scientific reason behind this myth is that walnuts release sulfur gas and it makes people dizzy..so simple reason,isn't it ? :)
To me, in ancient times, since people could not get to know about the scientific reasons of some events, they tried to assign a meaning according to their reasoning under the conditions they live..
Thanks for picking up such a discussion..