Lesson 7: CONFUSING WORDS (21 - 30) Posted by Lady Anne on April 25, 2014 Below are the last 10 pairs of confusing English words that we sometimes encounter in writing sentences. Study them very well.If you are ready to take the Quiz, click the icon below! You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub Tags: confusing words Email me when people reply – Follow
I have sent the answer to your inbox Deepa! Thanks for your question!
Welcome Nawa!
Holy crap, I will be lost and dangerous -_- I usually study after exams:)
He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.
You will be lost and in danger....hahaha.
Wow...what a nice learning attitude you got! Study after exams.
It's my first time to hear such a study habit. Woh!
Aneleeeeeee, I think I need to meet my partner Gozal. Hehehe. Thanks for the lesson.
hahaha........You and Gozal became my favorite partner!