Photo challenge # 1 . Show us your best summer's or winter's picture(s) and write the caption that fits it.
Oh sunshinne, don't go away, please stay and shine above our heads. Hello friends,Lately, this group has been very slow and it's time for me to motivate everyone out here to post something .Take your camera and make a picture, summer is a great time for photos inspiration. There is no precise topic, just post here a picture that, for you, represents summer The only rule is that this photo has to be taken OUTSIDE and that it must be YOU the photographer.Then you have to write a caption that fits…
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Your pictures in the snow are beautiful. Thanks for being in this group.
Whatever you did it really improved the photos greatly. The mood is more cheerful and the back-lighting on the snow in the trees in the last two photos is quite beautiful.
Also the firs (trees) are little interesting. I guess, you have to look those trees in different way. Non monotonous mode. To you have a switch somewhere, where u can switch your mode? :D Maybe if you try to look upside down, then it's not so monotonous and you can find something interesting you never noticed before.
Well today I got sunny weather too. So I tried to redo some photos that I took yesterday, switched also camera's mode to snow. But obviously it wasn't possible to redo those I got yesterday.. I instead took some new ones.
(Click on photos, to open them in full size in a pop-up window)
These 2 photos below, I took so that the sun was exactly behind of that tree.
This last one is better, but I have forgot what I did.. Maybe it's just because it's the one I took by squatting down.. I'm not sure
This next one I think It's possible to make it look better by increasing contrast and changing hue and other things.. I think I will do it latter. I tried already some automatic things with the "digikam"(digikam is photo editing software for linux os) offers, but There was still too many choices, I got a bit lost..
One picture of Pipa too. She don't like to being photographed, So I took only this one shot of her.
This was very nice scenery, with shadows when sun came out for a bit. The sky was interesting and there were nice areas that were lid with sunlight, but it seems I didn't make the best possible photo.. It lack contrast or something.. I don't know. I forgot to switch/set camera's mode. :(
Not like I know how to use it, but I could have at least switch it from fully automatic mode to snow/beach mode. I think it would be better..
I love this photo. So you are not only a writer, but a photographer as well. The photo is crystal-clear with sharp imagery. I like very much the angle at which you took the picture and it emphasizes the height of the tower which to me points to the greatness of God.
Your photo of the doorway could stand alone as a beautiful photo capturing the essence of the door and its surroundings. But the napping cat adds another whole dimension to the photo. It adds serenity, life and humor. Nicely done.