Oh sunshinne, don't go away, please stay and shine above our heads.


Hello friends,

Lately, this group has been very slow and it's time for me to motivate everyone out here to post something .

Take your camera and make a picture, summer is a great time for photos inspiration. There is no precise topic, just post here a picture that, for you, represents summer The only rule is that this photo has to be taken OUTSIDE and that it must be YOU the photographer.

Then you have to write a caption that fits the picture (don't forget we have to practice english :))

At the end of August, all the members  will choose the photo that appeals them the most.

The goal here is not to judge the quality of the picture, it is to chose the one that "talks" to you the most.

You can post as many photos as you wish.



As Greg pointed it out in his comment, there are members for who it's winter now, and it wouldn't be fair not to give them a chance to participate, so, there will be 2 categories of photos. The summer and the winter categories and at the end of the month, we will choose 1 of each categories.


Wishing to see many of your photos here. Have fun :)



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    • OK, as soon as I can I put a picture of mine.  I apologize...  now  I just  removed the one that I had put yesterday.
    • Hello Vindos,

      Why did you delete it ?


    • No problem Vindos, it's just that we are not allowed to put pictures here that are not ours.

      Waiting to see what you will show us. Thanks

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      How beautiful Greg and Manuela,


      We are the world ! We all come from every corner of the world !


      Thanks to internet and EC, everybody is just a click away,


    • Good evening dear Selma,

      Yes, we are just a click away, this makes the world so small ! Please dear friend, don't forget to give us your vote for the photo you prefer here.

      Thanks. Wishing you a good night.


    • Thant's great Lady, welcome in this challenge, i will be happy to see your(s) photos.
    • Hahahah, how stupid i am, i hadn't thought about this. Of course Greg you can post a picture showing winter, don't forget to write a caption.

      I am going to add a few words in my presentation so people as you, who live in the southern hemisphere know they can also participate to this challenge.

      Thanks for pointing this out !


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