
  • * Everybody wants to learn English in MyEC.
    * Lynne likes flowers a lot. Her page says it all.
    * English native speakers encounter little problem in making blogs.
  • I like to make two sentences whose main verbs have a delicate difference (not that delicate ,as a matter of fact;but just a difference in meaning ):
    The first sentence is the above sentence itself ,where the main verb is "like".
    The second sentence (just like the example in the discussion mentioned by Tara ):
    I like any kinds of trees .
    PS- I just doubted if the main verb in my first sentence is "like" or not !
  • I watch the news every day.
  • I'm a member of My English Club, and I like it very much.
  • Anele has a great personality.

    Nadira welcomes every new commer.
    • Great examples about MyEC members! Check the spelling of your last word.
  • Tara Benwell loves cooking

    Expector Smith always encourages us to use kinda idioms in the blog

    Karenina has lovely smile
    • True! You're missing a tiny (yet important) word here in example three.
  • I know Tara really likes rainbows.

    I can tell Tara has green fingers.
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