Practicing essays

You may like this extract from one of the chapters of the book I am reading. Enjoy this para which I have posted on my group `Book Reviews`. This can be a good food for those who practice writing essays.

`There is a superhuman plane where oe has to reach through real knowledge, but real knowledge is not easily attainable. we must open all the windows of the mind to know the best in the world. We are fortunate in having five sense-organs, but there are limitations to their powers. Mind, no doubt, has great capacities, but the knowledge it gains through sense-organs is limited. And with this limited knowledge we cannot have even the conceptions of eternity. We are found by time and space. Such ideas are eternity are words only. They indicate certain symbols but even these cannot be understood by the intellect as it has also limitations. Our mind and intellect are conditioned and hence they cannot go beyond certain limitations. There is a theory of causation. Every effect must have a cause and every cause has an effect. But there are problems where human intellect and mind are baffled. For example, we have the eternal question as to which is the first cause, the hen or the egg and so on. Unfortunately, we do not have any access to the pure knowledge of time and space. Taking these limitations into consideration, we have to make a steady progress from human level to the superhuman level by patient exertion of effort. We must always remain on human plain. As a a matter of fact, God has been kind in bestowing the blessing of limitations on the power of the sense-organs. It is good that we can hear the sound up to a certain distance only. If we were to listen to sounds from far-off places, life would have been miserable. Our memory is also limited, but it is good to a certain extent that we forget useless things. To remember all good and evil incidents will be to court misery. ` 

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