
    • anarchism

    • You're right again! Well done, Alex!

  • PRONUNCIATION of the DAY - 1,030


     Can you type out the written word of this pronunciation?

    • ephemeral

    • Exactly! Good job, Alex!

  • PRONUNCIATION of the DAY - 1,029


     What is the written word related to this pronunciation?

    • opalescent

    • The word is "opalescent". That word is not commonly used in Argentina. Anyway it's useful.

    • That's the correct word. Well done, Ariel!
      Yes, it's not a common word. The objective of this activity is to help learners to practise reading phonemic transcriptions. I want them to get used to different combinations of speech sounds. One who can read phonemic transcriptions correctly will be able to pronounce all the words in the dictionary accurately. Interestingly, anyone can master the skill in just one month. 

  • PRONUNCIATION of the DAY - 1,028

    11028894690?profile=RESIZE_930x Do you know the written word related to this pronunciation?

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