
  • hi dear Alice

    welcome to EC and my group.i wish you enjoy your time here.
    Welcome Comments

    thanks for your nice!in the pic you put here lots of stars have surrounded the nice moon and it is no more alone in the dark sky in despite of the moon in the pic i shared here.

    i wish that you have a life full of stars shining around you:)
    Alice said:

    Hello everybody, Im glad to have found this web and this group, there is something i really enjoy in life is to learn english and see pictures so interesting as these one you put here to "move" the brain (makes it work???) and for me my personal interpretation of the pic is it is a very good trick of the photographer, and I think is fantastic how he (or she???) have done an amazing pic with just a so simply idea....enjoyable! Thank you.
  • dear Nafis

    thanks for your reply.
    you are right.we human beings are the most powerful creatures created by God (because of the power of our mind).so we can overcome other creatures like the moon just by using our mind's power.but still this power has to be accompanied by our heart as well not to cause annoyance to other creatures.

    thanks and have a wonderful life full of accomplishments:)

    Nafis said:
    To me, this pictures shows the power of human beings which is really great and vast. It means to me that this person is trying and dreaming to reach the moon. Here she can get it by the rope, which symblizes of reaching the moon by high-tech vehicles like space shuttles. Although this dream is so bold and unreachable, she tries to catch it. Clouds shows the hardship of her journey. So, to me, this expresses the mankind's effort to overcome the universe.

    Wishing you well,
  • To me, this pictures shows the power of human beings which is really great and vast. It means to me that this person is trying and dreaming to reach the moon. Here she can get it by the rope, which symblizes of reaching the moon by high-tech vehicles like space shuttles. Although this dream is so bold and unreachable, she tries to catch it. Clouds shows the hardship of her journey. So, to me, this expresses the mankind's effort to overcome the universe.

    Wishing you well,
  • hi dear Meissa
    very nice interpretation!
    you are right.possibility of everything depends on how we deal with them.different perspectives result in different perceptions.
    thanks for your nice words.
    i wish you a life full of success caused by your own effort:)

    Meissa said:
    The picture for me is describing perspective and perception.
    We know that the moon is in the high sky which nearly possible for us to catch it and it’s what we called as perception. Then when we try to use our hands to catch it by making a circle, we can see that the moon is now in our circle hand or maybe like your picture we can use another tool which is also- a circle formed and it’s what we call as perspective.If we changed our perspective upon something that we thought it is possible to do, what would happen as a result could be beyond our perception. It happens because we have put our effort on it.
    There is quotation “Someone who dare to dream is someone who will be success in the future” because he/she will give his/her best (effort) to make it come true. And the rest of it would be our own fate.
  • hi dear mimi
    thanks for your nice are right.if i were more optimistic i could find out that she is trying to ascend by the help of the moon.
    thanks and have a nice time full of light:)
    mimi said:
    Hi dear Zahra,
    may be she is trying to improve, but she can't find any help. so trying to go higher and flying through the sky by the help of moon. may be in such a dark world, moon is the only friend that she can rely on it.
  • i myself think that this girl (i am not sure) is a selfish girl who likes to have the moon just for herself to illuminate her dark world,tries to capture it, bring it down from where it belongs to.
    also she doesn't try to FLY to the moon and instead she tries to have it on the earth.

    another interpretation can be this if we are more optimistic:
    the girl is so kind that she wants to SAVE the moon from this dark sky and she wants not to let the clouds defeat it and cover its face.but still she just LIKES the moon and she doesn't LOVE it. if she loved it she would go through the clouds,hug the moon and protect it instead of trying to get it down from its home.

    i will be glad to hear your thoughts
    have a nice time without any clouds in your blue sky:)
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