2014b: Week 11a: Tuesday, 18 November

(1) Music lesson: The Rose by Westlife/Bette Midler

P.S. Liu Yufan, may I ask you to bring your sound system to class, please?!

(2) Enjoy English: The Adoption

Do yourselves the favour and check out this website as I'll refer to it during the lesson: www.halfthesky.org

P.S. Oh, and don't forget to listen to Tara's News bulletin!

The Rose - S.pdf

The Rose(1979).mp3

13 - W11a - The Adoption.pdf

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    • Pauline, have you also listened to Bette Midler's version of this song (that I have uploaded here)? I think it is even better than the version by Westlife! About love ... I think you are correct in that people don't love easily as they are afraid of the hurt when it breaks. The world would be a better place for all if we learn to risk loving other people even more than ourselves (I'm not referring to the bf or parents or siblings). Then people wouldn't abandon children, and orphans would soon get new parents ... But the reality today is, sadly, much different ...

  • Oh teacher,I believe that if the world is full of love, the world will become more beautiful and orphans and abandoned children can also have their own home.But everything is unsatisfactory.But I still believe the world still good.If people have more love in the heart, then people will take care of orphans and abandoned children, the children can also feel the warmth of the world.For the second class,I think Tiffany should go to see her biological parents. Although her biological parents abandoned him, but they still have fertility to him.But Tiffany's parents are wrong, they don't have enough love to raise their children.They are not in a position to raise their children, because they had abandoned her.If the world is full of love, then maybe will be a lot less regret.We should learn to cherish the love, spread love.
    • Thank you for another comment, Tan Jingping. You are the first student to do so (and maybe the only)! I didn't mean that you have to visit the website again for a second comment; I was just making a remark! However, thank you for  this comment. I can see you understand very well. I hope the lesson will also touch your heart and that one day you might consider adopting one of China's many orphans or abandoned children ... ;-)

  • Hello,teacher.I just listen to The Rose several times.Like this song, the lyrics is very moving, give me a kind of different feeling.The lyrics is very warm, and very sad.The lyrics is very beautiful, listened, feel the world is quiet.I like "I say love it is a flower and you its only seed "very much.This is a kind of what kind of love.I yearn for that can't help it, so that the complaint or regret.Love needs to be strong, I also like the first sentence,“Some say love it is a river ,that drowns the tender reed".Love can sometimes hurt a person's heart, nothing can get easily, we can only choose to become more strong.I like this song, also began to like Westlife.I also seen the next pictures about enjoying english.We have a few words and phrases to learn.I think next class must be a very interesting class.Looking forward for the next class.See you.
    • Thank you for the comment, Tan Jingping. Yes, it is a moving song, and the lyrics very relevant if one understands it well. The overall message to me is that if there is more love for other people in China and the world, the earth would be a better place to live on. But unfortunately, the reality is far from that. Oh, you didn't comment on the next lesson, but do you realize that if there would have been more love in the hearts of the people, that all the orphans and abandoned children would have had families ...? Think about it.

  • Good evening,teacher.i am hetty.i heared from Tony that you went to the dining hall where kelly and oher students have part time jobs.i think you will be the first teacher to do that.you are so closely.^O^.and,i have listened the song The Rose by Westlife.i like them very much.like WE LOVE,and the other songs.from this song i can learn about many life attitudes.encourge,hold on,strong for the love.don't afraid to be hurt,we can be stronger from that.this lyrics is so beautiful,and it has delicate rhythm.made me relaxed,i can feel love from it.i like the sentence that the love is a huger,an endless,aching need.because everyone has needs,we need to be cared,loved and understand.next we need to do some activities for the song, and there is a practice about, who which and that.we need to fill the blank with them.at last,i saw the picture about English Tidbits and A NEW ESL again.i like it.ann,i have forgot the the questions last time.see you.
    • Thank you, Hetty, for being so industrious by giving the first comment days before the class! Students like that make teachers' hearts beat warmly! Yes, Westlife sings outstanding well, I think. But I personally prefer Bette Midler's version of "The Rose" (the one that I have uploaded here for you)! Every time I listen to it, it touches my heart deeply. Yes, if there is more love in this world (love for others), it would be a better place.

      But you didn't comment on the second lesson (for the second half of the class) about adoption. Or are you waiting for the class to give your opinion? I hope you will get an opportunity to talk then. Oh, and I hope you didn't forget about Tara's news ...! ;-)

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