Believe in Yourself

How to Believe in Yourself

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
"It is the decisions you make, when you have no time to make them, that define who you are"Believing in yourself is one of the first steps to success. If you don't have confidence in yourself, it will be difficult to succeed in anything.


  1. Learn how to make decisions based on your experiences that you believe.If you don't have your own thinking, you can never be successful.
  2. Set goals. When you set goals, you have control.
  3. Recognize when you achieve your goals, so that you will build your confidence.
  4. Consider reasons you fail. Everyone fails to achieve some goal, but if you learn from the failure, you will be more likely to succeed.
  5. Use realistic expectations to judge your success. Do not expect to run a four minute mile, until you have trained and conditioned for running.
  6. Listen to critics, but never let them convince you that you are less than you are. Some critics will tear you down to make themselves look bigger and better, while others will offer critical advice to help you make changes to improve yourself.
  7. Give your time and energy to others. When you do this, you will get positive feed back and get respect from others. These are building blocks for self respect, which is essential to believing in yourself.
  8. Believe in yourself, you will do your best.


  • Don't let people knock you down. If anything, let them get knocked down to prove you can be better.
  • If someone says you can't do anything, dont believe them, because it could lead to a critical matter.
  • If a boy/girl trys to tell you that you are a bad person, that is them hiding they are the bad person.
  • Try to get a pack of toy soldiers and a bb gun and imagine your bad points are the toys and shoot as many down as possible. This can help your self esteem/confidence.


  • Get to know yourself before you believe in yourself. Know what works best for you.
  • Also get to know your personality that is the most important thing to do if you want to believe in yourself.

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  • When I was younger I needed to fake confidence. I did not believe in myself and did not have family help to overcome this problem. I developed a sense of humor and when I was frightened or lacking confidence I would make jokes and see the funny side of the situation. As life went on I found that this was my way of making any situation better and therefore when the situation was better I had more confidence. I now feel I can face most any difficulty and know that I have the inner strength to smile at the problem, make light of the situation (at least in my mind) and have the confidence in myself to overcome the problem. I can now do it seriously if needed, where I couldn't before, but I still prefer a humorous approach because it gives me the most strength. This might not work for everyone but it sure helped me.
  • Hi Nafis ...

    Very nice tips to trust yourself and be a major thing in life

    Good luck dear
  • Dear Nafis,
    Thank you very much for this helpful post.I think everybody needs these steps,tips and warnings.My favorite lines from steps are: "Listen to critics, but never let them convince you that you are less than you are. Some critics will tear you down to make themselves look bigger and better, while others will offer critical advice to help you make changes to improve yourself."
    I wanna just to add this quote from Albert Einstein"Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value".
    All the best,
  • Dear Taki-Eddin,

    You are very welcome. Glad that it was useful.

    All the best,
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