
    • Well , thank you dear Sahar

      Pit shamble was full of apple's fragrance and there wasn't more innocent of Hosein on cross.

      I try to translate it typical that othere dear christians don't sad.

    • MAhgol!


      You are so powerful in translation!

      Well done!

      You can do your best in this field, please consider it as your great ability. And search for other things what you can do with it.

      For example;

      Look at this one, please.



      I had this error some minutes before when I wanted to open EC'c pages;

      But a question!

      Why don't we have Persian there?!!

      We have 6 different languages, why is Farsi not there?!

      Why mustn't we have Persian there when we have strong persons in this field?!



  • Thanks to both of you .

    ! پروردگارا به من آرامش ده تا بپذیرم آنچه را که نمی توانم تغییر دهم

    خلیل جبران

    • O' God!

      Give me the calm so that I accept what I can't change!

    • پروردگارا به من آرامش ده تا بپذیرم آنچه را که نمی توانم تغییر دهم !

      ! به من دلیری ده تا تغییر دهم آنچه را که می توانم تغییر دهم

      بینش ده تا تفاوت این دو را بفهم 

      مرا فهم ده تا متوقع نباشم که دنیا و مردم آن مطابق میل من رفتار کنند

      خلیل جبران


    • Thank you dear Mahgol!

    • Greattttttttt

      Thank you so much. 

    • It is Mahgol's turn :)

  • Zarathustra say :

    خوشبختی از آن کسانیست  که خواهان خوشبختی دیگران باشند.

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