Why do you write or why do you not write on EnglishClub?
Some of my friends do not write blogs or discussions. I see that some people only chat and use "Lazy English" instead of spelling out proper words.
How can anyone help a person who does not try to write?
Please answer and tell us why you write or why you don't write.
I am glad you appreciated my comment Mr. Bob.
The link you just shared with us is pretty useful and surely i am going to utilize my time and energy to learn and write something interesting.
Mr.Bob, thank you for share the above site. I find out it really will help me resolve my problem.
Nice discussion. :)
I am an old user of EC :) and I used to be very active in discussions and blogs but then I got inactive for more than 2 years maybe due to my exams now I am back on EC after my exams so I am preparing myself to take part in blogs and discussions.
I really like to chat in the main group of EC it is fun there but I realized that I should improve my English by taking part in different discussions and writing different blogs and yes of course I would like to take part in TARA BANWELL'S writing challenges.
Thank you Mr.Bob. :)
Thanks for asking this question, Bob! I'm curious about this too.
this is the way i can interact with the people whom i do not know and also i can express my thoughts without hesitation and without any interrupt. When we speak to others there is a chance for interruption but not in writing
Let you know Mr.Bob ,
i have always problem while speaking to others but not that much in writing. I am feeling some what freedom in Writing. Can you help me Mr.Bob to speak without fear and without hesitation.
Also i do not have Vocabulary strength
Thank you Mr.Bob.
I assure you, I will write some blogs within few days. Definitely i will find your page which you mentioned.
In my case, I don't really write to become a good writer or to improve my English. I write when I feel like sharing my thoughts and ideas with others.
I know I've a way to go in order to have a fluent or desirable level of English. But it's true I don't write for a purpose like improving :|