
Why do you write or why do you not write on EnglishClub?

Some of my friends do not write blogs or discussions. I see that some people only chat and use "Lazy English" instead of spelling out proper words. 

How can anyone help a person who does not try to write?  

Please answer and tell us why you write or why you don't write.

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  • dear sir I'm new to this club.I like to read and write.but my problem is I'm not fluent in english.I always read your blogs and discussions but I newer comment because of my poor English.dear sir how can I improve my english knowledge with this club.please advice me.
    • Wow Nimzaf! I understood exactly what you were saying.

      How hard was that? You can do it. You communicated and it worked. That's how we learn and improve.
      I did find a small problem and that was the noun, advice. I can advise you by giving advice. Now quit just reading and start commenting on everything you read so that you keep improving. Thank you for both of your comments.
  • i write in english club because i want exchanging opinions from one to another.

    • Hi mister. I think you have a good reason for writing here. It will also help you improve your English.

  • I don't like to write on my blog because I'm not creative, I prefer to write comments on the discussions. And I always hope that someone will correct my writing mistakes, but this rarely happens.

    Feel free to correct my reply. Thank you!!

    • Your reply has no problems to correct.  Good job, Joseane.

  • Writing is very importance skill, when you have a idea, if you write it in page, you make it clearly, and you don't worry you can forgot it. Writing help people organization life better.

    So, I want to write in English very much, but I have a some reasons make me don't usually writing.

    - My vocabulary is poor, I'm trying to improve it, but it not  effective so much.

    - I don't have a person, who can read my essay and tell me where do I write wrong, and how to fix it.

    Thanks to reading. :)


    • Quang, there is an old saying and I believe it.

      Practice Makes Perfect.  

      This is true for everything in life. Practice writing but also do a lot of reading and learn new vocabulary. Keep reading to see examples of good grammar.

  • When i log in to EC, i think about ideas for the given items. But i am afraid to present those ideas, because i have not much grammar knowledge to write it.
    • How will you get the grammar knowledge to write Udayanga? If you don't write and make some mistakes this year, how will next year be better or the next year after that?

      Pretend for a moment that I don't ride the bicycle because I don't know how. If I try maybe I will fall or look foolish. If I wait until I am 60 maybe I will know how and try it then.

      I think if I wait until age 60 or 70 I still won't know how to ride the bicycle but will be more afraid of trying. In that case I will never fall but will never know the joy of riding the bicycle. Sometimes we must do something we fear in order to advance in life.

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