which one will u rescue???

if there r 2 persons on the edge of a valley that one of them is whom u love and one another is who loves u.....

and u have the chance to rescure one of them which one will u rescue????and why????

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  • i agree.....
    maybe who loves u is better....
    but if u wont like him more then????
    be happy.....

  • Hi Raha

    It is really a hard question. At such a situation no one can think wisely . perhaps most people are effected by emotions and unconsciously rescue the one who love. I like to know your decision too.

    • hi saba....

      yes really really hard....

      i dont know too.....

      but maybe i will do the thing my heart says.....

      be happy....

  • I would save to the to the pretiest and richer one. :)
    • hehe....


    • good idea :D
      be happy....

    • If both of them are ugly and poor then what would you do?

    • O.K. You caught me! Then I would toss up a coin. :) Why women are so warped?? Life is much more easier so we needen't complicate or dramatize it, don't you think?
    • warped??????





      ya maybe much more easier.....

      its ur idea.....

      but these r just psycologists questions

      maybe not near a valley but in so simple seconds of ur life u will face this question.....

      and life is just it....

      be happy....

    • O.K. Sorry, don't get angry with me :) I just mean that there are lot of situations in life that is better let time goes and do not worry too much, Then, you will watch situations from other perspective to judge or decide wisely.
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