which one is right and why.

Hello guys;

I have a question about sentences below, because recently I received an email with this format of past sentence that it made me confuse.

"We did receive your email / We received your email", which one is correct?

I think "we received your email"is right , but because they are a big company and wrote "we did receive your email." I confused.

Please let me know if you can make it clear for me.

Thank you.

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  • thank you very much for your very helpful explanation.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Lady Noor what a nicely you explained with examples.You should be with us forever.
  • According to my knowledge both are correct.
    Lady Noor she is great,I learnt lots things from her comment.
  • hi! the sentence "we did receive your email" is stronger than "we received your email", but the meaning is the same.

    Have a nice day!


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