Hello everyone
In this discussion, we will try to find the possible works can be done to improve our English Club (in all parts). Our participating may help the founder (and finally ourselves) to improve our learning and teaching club. All dear members can offer their suggestions here. I will write your suggestion (with your name) in the following list to be easy to read for all members and I will update it every day (God willing). The suggestions are divided and related to four levels of membership:
1- To the founder
2- To the admin (future EC Admin)
3- To the moderators
4- To the members
Now please mention your suggestions in the comment box (each suggestion in one reply) with the following format:
My suggestion : /---- here you must write your brief suggestion----/.
To : / The Founder / The Admin / The Moderators / The Members /.
For : / Blogging part / Discussion part / Chatting part / Learning part / Teaching part / Video part / Photo part / Attracting new members / Encouraging members / All parts of MyEnglishClub / Members' Profile format /.
My reason : /---- here you must write the reason or even without any reason----/.
My suggestion : Putting a counter in the members' profiles for counting member's comments on the blogs (like the discussion or blog counters).
To : The Founder
For : Blogging part
My reason : To encourage members for commenting on blogs which can finally improve blogging part.
P.S. : 1- Please be careful about the feasibility of your proposals. As you know the impractical suggestions are useless. 2- Please first read the offered proposals and then write yours to prevent offering repetitive suggestions.
1- Inna's suggestion to the founder for the chatting part :
Adding the vocal-video chat facilities to the English Club site.
2- Stranger in the night's suggestion to the founder for all parts of MyEnglishClub :
Adding hashtags (# and @) in MyEC. and Notification option according to these tags.
3- Evangelina's suggestion to the founder for all parts of MyEnglishClub :
The procedure of the membership acceptance should be stricter (by checking the IP-address and so forth) to prevent having multiple IDs by a member.
4- Evangelina's suggestion to the founder for all parts of MyEnglishClub :
To make ignoring-option global, means the ignored person must not be seen in all the parts (not only chatting) related to the person who ignores.
5- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for the Blogging part :
Putting a counter in the members' profiles for counting the number of comments which a member leaves on the blogs (like discussion or blog counters).
6- The Way to the Moon's suggestion to the founder for all parts of MyEnglishClub:
To create a self-contained program - EC App (to download on our mobile device) with some features like background notifications.
(Rosemary is also agreed).
7- Josef Essberger's suggestion to the members for all parts of MyEnglishClub :
To use the "Report Member" tool, and use it properly.
8- Josef Essberger's suggestion to the members for all parts of MyEnglishClub :
To welcome ALL new members.
9- Ann's suggestion to the founder for members' profile format :
To put the link of "Report member" in the place where it can be easily seen (e.g. behind the box of "Inbox, Alerts, Friends, Setting") with a bright color.
10- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for encouraging members :
To assign a score (rank) to each member related to the member's activity (not English knowledge) in MyEC. This score is calculated for each member and exhibited in her/his profile.
11- Mohammad's suggestion to the members for attracting new members :
Introducing MyEnglishClub to the students, teachers, and also our friends in our English language institutes (in our cities).
12- Noona's suggestion to the founder for the learning part :
As this site is a learning site, so it must have a strong grammar part where contains all grammatical points.
13- Noona's suggestion to the admin for the learning part :
To take an exam in every month at the weekend about grammar and other parts.
(SNR is also agreed).
14- Sardar's suggestion to the founder for the learning part :
Adding more grammatical text-lessons with quiz option considering learner's level. Adding more video-lessons and conversation-related audios for different levels of learners.
15- Sardar's suggestion to the members for the chatting part :
Avoiding [to use] other languages while chatting.
16- SNR's suggestion to the founder for the learning part :
To add a dictionary [with the search and words pronunciation features].
17- Precious's suggestion to the founder for attracting new members :
To make a notification system that informs about new post (e.g. a red dot with numbering, on the blog tag).
18- Precious's suggestion to the founder for encouraging new members :
To add a notification bar for new members that is : " pleases read the posts and share your opinion ".
19- Precious's suggestion to the founder for the blogging part :
To Put an up-vote option with comments.
20- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for the chatting part :
To activate (only) the "members suspending" capability for a few members with some spacial characteristics, as the main room supervisors against trolling, insulting and so on.
21- Onee-Chan's suggestion to the admin for the main page of MyEnglishClub :
Replacing some blogs, discussions, and videos on the MAIN PAGE of myenglishclub.com at least weekly.
22- Jesson's suggestion to the founder for the blogging part :
To have another section to upload blogs (for those people who want to be corrected about their works) for correcting (by members).
23- Chitra's suggestion to the founder for the blogging part :
Blogs should be corrected by Teachers or any well versed persons.
(Setareh is also agreed).
24- Stranger in the night's suggestion to the members for the blogging part :
To tag your blogs with the words CORRECTION, GRAMMAR, and/or VOCABULARY (if it is needed), so that other members (in higher levels) will correct your mistakes.
(Mishaikh and Onee-chan are also agreed).
25- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for the chatting part :
To make the main room shape more beautiful and attractive. Adding more emoticons and a few options for changing the color and font of members' chatting, to the main room.
(Onee-chan is also agreed).
26- Batuhan's suggestion to the founder for the chatting part :
To Add a record option, to chat by voice as well.
27- Setareh's suggestion to the founder for the learning and teaching parts :
To hold some lessons for different levels especially about the key points in learning English by some teachers.
28- Mishaikh's suggestion to the founder for the blogging part :
To provide a search button (searching tool) to look for a certain blog [in blogs list (in members' profiles). It is needed specially for the members who have many blogs].
29- Ahmed's suggestion to the founder for the learning part :
To put video for learning English [key points].
30- Mishaikh's suggestion to all members of English club :
31- Mohammad's suggestion to the admin for attracting the members :
To send an Email to the members who have been absent (for long time) and their blogs number are not zero (which shows their activeness), to invite them to continue their activity.
32- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for members' profile format :
To add an option to the setting part (setting/privacy/visibility) so that members be able to hide optionally (just) their profile comments.
33- Stranger in the night's suggestion to the founder for the groups of MyEnglishClub :
To add privacy settings to the groups - so that their activity can be seen ONLY by group members, like comments, discussions, etc. It will add values to the groups.
34- Mohammad's suggestion to the moderators for the blogging part :
To inform the member who you want to delete their blog or make it invisible, about the reason of deleting or making invisible.
35- April's suggestion to the founder for the chatting part :
To have a few moderators in the main room in order to raise some interesting topics to discuss about, control there regularly, and ban the members who have bad behaviors or talk dirty.
36- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for the blogging and discussion parts :
To add 1- three buttons for changing color, font, and size of the comments and replies texts, and 2- a button for thumbs-up (Liking), to the both comment and discussion-reply boxes.
37- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for the blogging part :
To add an option to the blog's options (at the end of each blog-page) to be able to make JUST A PARTICULAR BLOG (not all our blogs) be moderated.
(Onee-chan is also agreed.)
38- Mohammad's suggestion to the founder for encouraging members :
To send a gift and leave a beautiful congratulation comment automatically (by EC site) to the members who have been selected for being star members in each month.
(Onee-chan is also agreed.)
39- Mohammad's suggestion to the fluent members for the learning part :
To read an English text correctly and fluently by the native English speakers (members), and record and upload their voices in a discussion or blog to be listened by other members and they write what they listen, in their comments.
Oh, wow! Mohammad. I really like your gift design. You should propose that to Sir Josef. :)
I must support your gift suggestion, include me. :)
Write my name to support the suggestions in number 28, 37, and 38.
Oh, sorry to bother you, Mohammad. I think it should be Replacing not Changing in my suggestion. :D Thanks for editing. :)
I must have not focused while writing number. :))
Hello dear Batuhan,
Honestly I didn't get what you meant. But maybe you meant that : "when someone writes a new blog, the EC site automatically should send a message to the inbox of his/her friends to inform them about the new blog."
If you mean this, please let me know to add your suggestion to the list. Thanks and God bless
Batuhan said:
My suggestion : To read an English text (with any difficulty level) carefully and fluently by the native English speakers (members), and record and upload their voices in a discussion or blog to be listened by other members and they write what they listen, in their comments.
To : The fluent members (such as admin)
For : The learning part
My reason :
As a matter of fact the listening skill of some non-English members of EC such as me is not good and it is better to say "it is too bad". Our dear natives English speakers can easily prepare an English text and read it correctly and fluently while their sound is being recorded. At the end they can upload their sound in the template of a blog or discussion (using the under-web voice playing modules or even putting the link of their recorded-voice file) and want other members to listen to the voice and write what they listen, in the comments. Even a contest can be made for listening skill, like what Lady Anne has held occasionally in grammatical topics.
The English text (wants to be read) can also be contained simple or hard words and it can be read quickly or slowly by the reader related to the difficulty level of the listening. After a deadline, the reader can put the main text in the blog or discussion and members can check their writings.
My suggestion : To send a gift and leave a beautiful congratulation comment automatically to the members who have been selected for being star members in each month.
To : The founder
For : Encouraging members
My reason :
In fact, "being a star member" shows the acceptable and satisfactory activity in learning or teaching English apart from the level of English knowledge. I think the matter of "star members" and selecting more active members monthly is so important and encouraging.
Although the EC automatically inform the star members by sending a message to them (congratulate them), but I think it is not enough. Perhaps sending a different gift and leaving a beautiful congratulation comment (from EC) would be more attractive and better. On the other hand, nowhere of the member's profile shows that the member is (or has been) a featured (star) member. Also if a member has been selected to be the star member SEVERAL TIMES, it isn't shown in his/her profile. But sending this gift by the system (EC site) to the star members, and adding this different gift to their other gifts, can encourage them and show that these members is (or once have been) selected as the star members. The number of those EC-gifts shows the number of "being star member". Also a little gold star located at the top of the avatar or top of the ID (under the avatar) would be good to show this matter.
As an example the following image shows some simple formats of gift designed by me (^_^) which can be sent by EC to the star members.
At the end, I would like to thank Onee-Chan because of her beautiful and attractive comments that she sends to all of the star members in each month.
My suggestion : To add an option to the blog's options (at the end of each blog-page) to be able to make JUST A PARTICULAR BLOG (not all our blogs) be moderated.
To : The founder
For : The blogging part
My reason : Sometime because of the nature of a typical blog, we need and have to moderate that blog (means the comments must not be shown immediately, but after our approval). Although we can globally moderate all our blogs, but it is not so useful and we might need to moderate just a few ones.
On the other hand many members (such as me) don't like to comment on moderated blogs, but to moderate just one blog we have to use the global blog-moderation, and therefore by using that option, all of our blogs will be moderated.
As an example when one of our blogs would be an exam or a competition or when because of any reason we would like to moderate just one of our blogs (not all), we do need an option at the blog to be able to make that particular blog moderated. The current options at the end of each particular blog are illustrated in the following image.
So it will be better if another option would be added to them (for just this blog). something like the following option :
Dear Stranger,
There is already a private setting for group activity. I noticed it when I joined Lady Anne's group 'Grammarly Yours'. Even only members can see this group. Here are the settings that available...
My suggestion : To add 3 buttons for changing color, font, and size of the comments and replies texts, and a button for thumbs-up (Liking), to the both comment and discussion-reply boxes.
To : The founder
For : The blogging and discussion parts
My reason :
Actually writing the comments and replies with different and colorful fonts, may make the comments and replies be more beautiful and attractive and make the reader not be tired (for the longer ones). Also we can emphasis on some important points with changing the color or font. In general it (changing the features) has many usages.
Although the comment and reply boxes have HTML button and the members can change the color, font and size of their texts via the HTML editor, and also a blog (as a manual) has been written to teach them the HTML points, however it is still hart to use by members. But if the mentioned boxes do have some buttons for simply and optionally changing the color, size and font of the texts, then it will be easy to use for all members and they may easily use that.
A thumb-up (Like) button is also good to be added to the boxes (at the top-right corner). Meaning each comment or reply, has its own thumb- up button. This button just needs a counter and it doesn't need to save and show the members name (who have thumbed up). It encourages the members to read others' comments and allows them to show their agreement with "liking" (pushing that button). It can also have the thumb-down for showing disagreement.
Sorry I don't read through all the opinions above so I don't know if this is mentioned or not. I don't like chatting in main room but sometimes watching people discussing topics in there. Recently I have seen some people talking dirty in main room so often and it left bad affects to our EC. I think we need to have few mods for the main in order to : 1. raise some interesting topics to discuss about 2. check on the main regularly to control environment in there 3. ban all the members who have bad behaviors to others or talk dirty... Others members also have responsibility to report about such members to the mods.
Thanks Mohammad for inviting me to the topic.
Mohammad said: