what makes you happy

Many of us will jump for the money answer when we are asked about

what makes us happy in life. Some might reply by saying health, good 

manners, a beautiful woman, a big house, etc... What makes you happy in life?

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  • Nana, terima kasih banyak! Saya harap akan menjadi teman kamu. Iya, cinta baik. I guess love can bring happiness. Thanks for your lovely comment. I hope to receive your friend request soon, thanks.

  • I think love can be happy..
  • You have all the help you nee, teacher Dina. Thanks for your harmonious comment. 

  • Live in harmony with myself.

  • Muito obrigado meo amigo Paulo! Eu gusto disso. You definitely, agree with the lovely lady, Peopny, Mr. Mishaikh, Mr. Aiman and some other members who commented on this discussion. Thank you very much for seeing happiness in the eyes of others. It is indeed a good feeling. It shows that we care about one another and help one another to be happy in life.

  • I'm happy when I see people are happy too, what is so hard now-a-days, sadly... Then I try to make simple things make me happy...

  • Shookran bizzaf ya Halima! Alganaaa! Ana saeed likalamik ajameel. I really liked the way you described happiness. If we are satisfied with what Allah had given us, we would never have experienced any sadness or trouble in our life. Again, thank you.   

  • baiklah Andy! Saya pikir kamu mau bantu mereka. I guess helping the ones who helped you before is the highest degree of happiness. It is not just paying them back, but finding happiness in so doing. May God bless your family and you, too. You have a big heart, my dear friend. Thanks for your happy comment on that discussion. 

  • Gamza hamida Inha! Money can help in bringing some happiness to our lives, but necessarily.  I am glad you are enjoying yourself with your happy family. Thanks Inha for your happy comment. 

  • Karena anda cantik Peony. I really liked that simplicity. I like tea with milk after dusk or in the morning sometimes. My wife prepares it for me during evenings. Thanks for Peony for those simple things which make you happy. I forgot lovely ones are always happy.

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