We are using the internet day and night. My daughter holds her cellphone day and night. Sometimes when she gets inside the comfort room, she takes it with her. People use the internet all over the world. Countries were racing to be the first in internet technology. what is the first digital country in the world?
Depends on how you would define a country is digitalized
Miya, domo arigato! Thanks for your comment.
Sorry, i do not know but it might be that country where internet was invented, right?
Tee ka assay, Bet. You can watch that video which was sent by the respected lady, Anastasia. Thanks again.
Ifgaristo poly Anastasia! Should I say (pingo)? Thanks for that.
Good afternoon.What is the first digital country?I am not a tech professional or IT so can't say for sure.I was reading that China is trying to become a leader in this sector so far it has not been successful.USA is still on the first place I guess.It's my opinion only.
Spasiba Kate! I really hope to be one of your friends, may I? Thanks for your comment on that digital question
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute, sweet daughter takes the cellphone to the confort room and then yells for daddy to come and wash up..... :-)
Jeinki Rysperski! Those little children are very naughty. They do not listen to us. What shall we do?