Lol nice... I guess you ordered that food from restaurant :D Well, in case restaurant is closed by the time I got there, we can just go to the nearest pizza hut :)
Err.. you will come out of the screen and put the food directly to our mouth? The last part sounds good, but that will definitely freaking me out when you crawl out from the screen :D
you must Do something.............. for us
Lol nice... I guess you ordered that food from restaurant :D Well, in case restaurant is closed by the time I got there, we can just go to the nearest pizza hut :)
I loooove pizza ^^
Hahah, nice Dr llody!!
But you forget one thing, where is the airplane ticket?
There? Where? You didn't even tell us the exact location where we are going to eat.. -_-
Toussef agree with me about this ticket thing. So, where is the ticket?? :)
yeah syubi,
I agree with you so Dr you must send us tickets and tell us exact location....
Err.. you will come out of the screen and put the food directly to our mouth? The last part sounds good, but that will definitely freaking me out when you crawl out from the screen :D
good idea
you'll come out from screen like this
amazing :)
you invite us for dinner and made very delicious for us...........
but why you didn't sent us ticket........
so sweet Dr llody
pushpi next you will very careful and invite us ok. don't forget to invite us.