I drink tea with milk every morning.

Because I have bread for breakfast.

I think bread and tea with milk are just suitable match!!

But most Japanese eat Japanese food for breakfast.

And they drink Japanese tea.

What do you drink in the morning?

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  • Thanks,reply!!

    Yeah, what you said!

    I like it too c[]

    Tea is the best :)

  • Thanks,reply!!

    No kidding:-o


  • Thanks,reply

    Ohh I see!!

    When I wake up feeling bad,I am going to do that too c[]

  • I really like drinking tea in the morning with my breakfast. This makes me fresh and ready for starting my new day!  Sometimes I drink chocolate milk, I love it too.

    Most people in Iran drink tea with their breakfast if they have enough time before going to work :)

  • Hell, yeah!

  • Thanks,reply!!

    That's true!

    I tred to drinking 2L of water everyday.

    Because it is said that is healty.

    But I couldn't keep it going:-<

  • Um... alcohol?Elsie-Marina-the-prince-and-the-showgirl-32632158-245-155.gif

  • I usually drink green tea during the day, but the first thing I need to drink to start the day is a big mug of coffee.


  • The very first time I drink in the morning, of course, and always.... :)

    Image result for air putih biasa glass

    This is the best for my health. :)

    WATER. :)

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