
    • lol! yea, he needs to publish a book about that. xD

      Asma! =( It's ok, so let's make it an interview. :P 

    • why am I the only one supposed to talk about his childhood ? 

    • Thanks for understanding .... ^^

    • thanks God my parents were patient for me ... I was their 1st kid ... so it's obvious I was lucky ... 

      and forget about the blog i'm not going to write it ... :D private memories :D 

    • Aha! Got it now! :D

      Hey, come on tell us more, I really enjoyed it. :D

      I may write sth about CRAZY kids. :P *kidding*

    •'s a real psycho!

    • I can't be psycho since childhood .... can I ? 

    • 2392717728?profile=original

      @Ulti --> I think 4th man would be you.. :P

    • @Sandy .... it was childhood ... not manhood ... and they were all unwilling mistakes .... kids are always innocent :p

    • That was me in childhood... You see inner destruction feeling... I believe now that kids are always innocents ^.^ Ulti

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