Unwanted gift

Is there a way to delete an unwanted private gift, from one's page, sent by a complete stranger???

Thanks for your help in advance!

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  • OMG Tara has answered LOL hahahah 

    • OMG!! Why are you laughing?! hehehe

    • LOL u know i just figured out before leaving comment you must read other comment if you do not ..the first person who laughed at you is you :-P hahahah 

    • So what I thought was right! I agree with you. hehehe

  • Hello Sis ,yes I think if you delete the comment in your wall including gift you will delete the gift also ..

    But I am not sure :)

    • Issue is already solved, Sima! :)

  • Is this solved already?

    • Yes! :D

  • Here is the response I received:

    At this time, there is not a way for members to remove unwanted gifts from their profile page.
    The request and comments have been formatted to the product team for review. "The more requests we have for a specific new feature, the more likely it is to be added, so we appreciate your vote!"

    • Thank you so much for resolving this issue! :)

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