Dear Williams, imagine you met two guys at work, one with a broad smile and the other with a surly face. Whom would you like to talk to or deal with? Thanks Willi!
Williams said:
Interesting topic. Smile always good for our health. Everybody like to see smile face to others. I like to see smile face always.
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
Main ap sei sahamat hoon. Salt and curry, you made me hungry, Amar. A very simple and nice description for the smile. I will remeber to keep that in mind. Thank you!
AMAR-tiger said:
Dear Sir,
I just want to say that smile is like salt in curry. If we put it, then we will get the actual test of curry.
So whenever we smile, we get relaxed and it helps to live a healthy life.
Keep smiling
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
Teskkur ederim Vian! It's good to smile to one another. If we do that love will spread over
vian said:
i think it is important to have smile on your face when you meet someone .for me it is very important it gives you a positive energy and cause u to have a warm relationship with your friends or co-workers.when i meet my friends i usually say hello while i am smiling to them. some people think that their problems prevent them from having a warm relationship but i dont think so. one should forget his or her problem at work or wherever they are and start their days with positive energy.
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
i think it is important to have smile on your face when you meet someone .for me it is very important it gives you a positive energy and cause u to have a warm relationship with your friends or co-workers.when i meet my friends i usually say hello while i am smiling to them. some people think that their problems prevent them from having a warm relationship but i dont think so. one should forget his or her problem at work or wherever they are and start their days with positive energy.
Main ap sei sahamat hoon, Salamat Khan! Inshaa Allah, your wish, will be extended to the others. I totally agree with you. some doctors say, it's good for the muscles of the mouth. Thanks Khan, could you visit my page again and see The Wedding? Thanks!
Smile is gift of Allah. those people have smile on face definitely is very lucky person. i wish to everyone always keep smile.
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
Veelin dank Rose! The matter is not compulsory. If you don't want to smile, it's ok. The smile is the easiestway for communication. I hope to be one of your friends. Can you send me the friend request? Thanks!
Rose said:
We shouldn't only smile because someone like a person or somewhat like a religion orders us to smile. A smile should be given voluntarly, honestly and gladly by our heart. Anything else is wrong. A sincere smile is showing kindness and welcomes you peacefully.
Precious said:
Dear friend dara gino, I do agree ,yes Its good to smile when we meet some one ..and in Islam Muslims also ordered to smile when they greet to each other .so we should follow this .and smile have pleasant effect on other people . Nice topic ..thanks for sharing ...:))
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
We shouldn't only smile because someone like a person or somewhat like a religion orders us to smile. A smile should be given voluntarly, honestly and gladly by our heart. Anything else is wrong. A sincere smile is showing kindness and welcomes you peacefully.
Precious said:
Dear friend dara gino, I do agree ,yes Its good to smile when we meet some one ..and in Islam Muslims also ordered to smile when they greet to each other .so we should follow this .and smile have pleasant effect on other people . Nice topic ..thanks for sharing ...:))
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
Dhanyawad Raghu! I do not know about this, but look at this, a look, a smile, an appointment, and then the meeting. Lovers do that, don't they? Here, the smile connects the look with the rendez voud to reach the final encounter which leads to marriage or any other kind of human relationship. Thanks Raghu!
Raghu said:
Smile increases your face value and your value with the other person. It has a strength to strengthen bonding between persons and when you introduce yourself smile adds value to your personality.
the smile
Is it good to approach someone with a smile or a surly face?
Is it necessary to smile when greeting somebody?
Do we have to smile when we meet?
To w…
Williams said:
AMAR-tiger said:
Dear Sir,
I just want to say that smile is like salt in curry. If we put it, then we will get the actual test of curry.
So whenever we smile, we get relaxed and it helps to live a healthy life.
Keep smiling
vian said:
Smile is gift of Allah. those people have smile on face definitely is very lucky person. i wish to everyone always keep smile.
Rose said:
We shouldn't only smile because someone like a person or somewhat like a religion orders us to smile. A smile should be given voluntarly, honestly and gladly by our heart. Anything else is wrong. A sincere smile is showing kindness and welcomes you peacefully.
Precious said:
Dhanyawad Raghu! I do not know about this, but look at this, a look, a smile, an appointment, and then the meeting. Lovers do that, don't they? Here, the smile connects the look with the rendez voud to reach the final encounter which leads to marriage or any other kind of human relationship. Thanks Raghu!
Raghu said: