The colorless world!

Hi everyone! 

As I know colors are very important in our world. So let's imagine our world becomes colorless, no color, or it's only one color, gray. How do you feel when you live in that world?

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  • Leave 'em be, MARY. I don't wanna deal with an existentialist pooch. D:7847720a1b2c84408b7c899f63337e90c68c9613.jpg
    MARY said:

    You can ask a colorblind person about it... Or a dog! :P


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    MARY's Discussions | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
  • A colorless world? Perfect! I'd paint everything the way I see fit which, by the way, is a total chaos in a sane person's book. Blue flamingoes, fire truck red ponies, purple sky, etc.

    Wouldn't it be so freakin' awesome?816a014824302963b66f2269ec4fb657.jpg

  • You can ask a colorblind person about it... Or a dog! :P


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    • Hi Sofia,

      I absolutely agree with you. Hope your life will be full of colors. What a nice profile picture you have! Flowers have a lot of colors. And colors make flowers more beautiful, don't they?

      Thanks a lot for your comment!


  • Colour is wonderful, but it's not that the world is colourful, it's how we see it. If our eyes had no ability to convert different wave lengths of the spectrum into colour, our world would be colourless.

    Our brains make the colour. We should be more inquisitive about why we see and not by what we see.

    •  Hi Mr.Robinoz,

      You said like what my Physic teacher said when I was at high school. :). I supposed you were a Physic teacher, weren't you? 

      Anyway, thank you so much for your comment,


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    • Thank you Elayf for your comment!

      I'm sure you're an optimistic person. I hope you'll be lived in a place which has 300 days a year so that you can see the beauty of a colorful world.

      Good luck,


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