That Single Moment!

Sometimes two complete strangers, unintentionally, gets bonded in a single, unexpected moment, and they even do not realize that they have been got engaged in that very moment with each other

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  • Very appropriate fatiha. Thanks.
  •  May be their soul have met before their sights...

  • Rose

    I am sure that if you read (or re-read my blog CAFE) you will be able to find the line of such moment I have referred.

    Thanks for your always being so considerate.

    • I reread the blog you spoke about, Mishaikh. Now I know what you meant. Thanks for reminding me. Those moments we will never forget for our entire life

    • I am glad Rose. 

      Thanks for being considerate.

  • I think I got it, Mishaikh. You speak about a moment when people meet by first sight. They don't know each other, but there is an invisible bond between them. They don't realize it but somehow they are connected. It may happen anywhere... It can also happen without to see each other... through a common fate and none of both know it. Sometimes we miss such valuable moments because we don't realize its meaning.

  • Thanks Rosemary.

    It is very true!

  • I am thinking, Onee, to write a separate blog to explain when and why I wrote about this moment".  I originally wrote it in Urdu, I liked it, so I then decided to translate in English for reading interest.

    • Sorry onee for replying here in your thread. ^_^ Pa, Please do write that blog, I am really curious to know. ^_* 

  •     Fate brings strangers together for a certain  purpose  

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