
    • Stop reading me, Mary!


      I am not a book.

  • Well, I used to eat such toasts like number 1, when I was a kid.

    I think, I was doing it for fan.

  • Dunno... and I don't know either why nobody likes these first toasts that look like if they were made in the Avernus' fire...

  • Uhm, you can share your tea time with bet! :D

  • 6? So... you barely drink tea but hot water and your favorite toasted bread is the not-tosted one, hahaha... cool ;)

  • Okay, it's clear: you don't drink tea... and I understand that you dont have breakfast either? Uhm... yeah, that's bad, shame on you! :P

  • What went wrong between toast 7 and 15? They're all over the place!

  • Tea 6

  • I like number 6 (if I like to drink milk tea instead of healthy drinks, i, e, Horlics or green tea or a mug full of milk) but my bread must be eighter 12 or 16!

  • Hello: I've never had the tea. At that time I am at work. On weekends I don't take the tea either. For me the main meal is dinner. I know that's not healthy...But at that time I feel relaxed to enjoy my meals. Despite of that…I still keep fit. Hope it Will keep it up.

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