Stephen Hawking vs God

Stephen Hawking said that, There is no God involved in origin of Universe. Law of nature made the universe itself. What is your opinion about it? and why d'you say so?

source: Grand Design

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  • From your perspective you might also see the Earth flat :X


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    I cannot see God by my eyes, but I can see the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his grandson, Imam Hussein (pbuh).

    If Hussein's God is like him, I will absolutely Love his God.

  • The Universe is made of 2 main "things": Matter and Space. Science proved time ago that the matter can create itself from nothing. Hawking reaffirmed this and added that, for this reason, there is no need of any 'god' to explain the existence of the universe or anything.

    It's a complicated topic, but anyway... Hawking for the win! :P

  • Big bang is the common theory of the origin of Universe. Hawking said, if we back to the time before the Bigbang is occur, there is no space, time and matter, so there is no time for God created the Universe, and just law of nature govern all of the things in the universe.

    Is religion and science separated? it's the thing that always make me confusing.

    Anyway, I appreciate what Hawking say...

    • Hi Donny, very interesting topic you raised indeed. May be if you asked Hawking who made the Law of Nature he might change his opinion, hahaha …

      There is no separation between religion and science. If they don’t match then we have to either do some more research on the science or to review our interpretation on what the religious books say. For the time being let’s believe that God is The Almighty, The Supreme Being. He created everything included space, time and the Law of Nature. With the Law of Nature then everything runs in process. The Law of God is His Command. It is written on everything we can find in the universe. Once we find it, it will become our knowledge.

      Thanks Donny for sharing.


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