Who is unfortunate?!


I’ve a pressing issue to address and I’m desperately in need of your help! The problem is.., between a   doctor and teacher who is the unfortunate one as regards the profession he is related to?


 Let me drop a hint!

The reality is that a doctor cannot help every single patient who comes to him. Some are saved and others are not! The worst part is seeing a person dying right in front of his eyes but there’s nothing he could do. However, after sometimes the doctor may not even remember that there was such a man who came to him, the treatment failed, he died and buried at last!


Similarly, a teacher cannot turn every single student into a brilliant one! Some may pass with flying colours, whereas others will be complete failures! These failures, unlike the doctor’s predicament, will still exist (live) amidst him even though they’ve left the school long ago! It’s so unfortunate for the teacher that there are pretty many chances for him to bump into those who flopped both in academic and real life! Whenever such an incident takes place, I’m sure the teacher will feel hurt to see what his students have turned into!


Now, back to my question: Who’s the unfortunate one between a doctor and teacher? Can you tell me?!


Don’t worry I’m not going to ask you to write a lengthy essay, instead simply complete the two sentences given below! Your sentences must reflect who is fortunate and is unfortunate! (The choice is yours!)


There are a some guide lines you MUST follow! OK! Let the wings of your imagination soar as high as they could go!


1. You cannot use more than SIX WORDS in each  sentence.

2. Both sentences MUST END with the SAME WORD!

3. You are NOT allowed to use these two words:

"fortunate" and "unfortunate

Wish you all the best!


A doctor …………………………………………………….;


A teacher…………………………………………………….!


If you can, sprinkle a sense of humour on your sentences!

I could hardly wait to see your “creation”!


--------------------> NOTE <--------------------

If you’re still not sure what exactly I want you to do, here’s an example you can use as a guide:  

Let’s assume for a moment that the question is, “Who has a genuine concern for others – a politician or philanthropist? You feel that a philanthropist is genuine in his deeds compare to a politician! Now you have to put your view in words using only two sentences. Your answer may look like this: 

politician always  expects  something  in  return;

A philanthropist never expects anything in return!  


From these two sentences we know what your view is. This is what I expect you to do for my question. Let your answer sound like a two-line stanza, poem, proverb, etc. 


~ GS ~




The answer for my previous question “What would you give HIM?” is:


A ring with the inscriptionThis too will soon be over!

It suits well both situations – HAPPY or SAD


* When the king is ‘HAPPY’, the ring will remind him not to rejoice too much because...

 “This too will soon be over!


* When the king is ‘SAD’, the same ring will console him not to worry unduly because..

 “This too will soon be over!


Thanks to all those who participated. I was overwhelmed by your enthusiasm! (Keep the spirit growing, guys!) If at all I’d have disappointed or hurt you with my words, one way or the other, please accept my apology! God Bless You All!     




To my surprise, someone gave the King a present which is different from the above but serves the purpose. Thus, I’ve crowned the person as the ‘Winner’ and rewarded with a “Sapphire Pendant”!

(To have a peek at the Person, Present and Reward, just click HERE)



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  • Hello Gabriel,

    It's my first time to join this mind boggling mystery of yours....  What differs this one from your previous challenge is that a winner will not be declared here, right?  It means, I will have much freedom to express because it is a "tension-less" challenge.  


    Here's my share............

    @ A doctor can blow up one's ambition.

    @ A teacher can boost up one's ambition.


    I hope "articles" are not included in counting the words.    Great thanks!

    • What a nice surprise, Gabriel!  You yourself is a great enigma.  A lot of people come and go to EC but I can only count in my fingers those who can captivate the interest of the members in a distinct and unusual way..... one them is you.  Thanks for sharing your unique talent.
    • Hi Anele!


      I’m delighted to welcome you to “Gabriel D’ Enigma” - an Exclusive Club! It’s a tradition that we’ve been practising for centuries where we ask every new member to scratch the plaque displayed below, with the given Gold Coin…! Be my Guest :-)




       Now! Since formalities are over, let’s evaluate the preparatory task given to you! Are you ready? Here we go…!


      Superb Work”, my dear! Though this is your very first assignment, you’ve made us proud. I'm glad we've found another ‘Gem’ here at “MyEC”. Congrats!


      PS 1: Now I know what teachers usually carry in their bags:Red Bull – your only energy booster!” [ Just kidding ;-) ]


      PS 2: Doctors, you’d better watch you step! Anele is gonna get you!!


      Anele, thank you for your participation, sincerely! You simply don't know how much I appreciate it! Take Care! See you again with another mystery; be prepared, my friend. Bye!


      Best regards,




    • Hello Gabriel!

      I have some minutes before my bus leaves.....so that's what has come up to my mind.

               A doctor  should always  wear a special uniform .

               A teacher shouldn't wear a special uniform.


               A doctor shouldn't be emotional at work.

                A teacher should be emotional at work.


               A doctor seldom has vacation in summer.

               A teacher always has vacation in summer.     


         I'm not sure about other countries but in Russia teachers always have vacation in summer and it's great.


                A doctor doesn't need to start work on time.

                A teacher must start work strictly on time.     

        ( when the bell is ringing)


      Best regards,



  • Hello dear friend, I've founded it out! It took me some time, but "to come late better than never" Here are my sentences"

    A doctor need interrupt his night sleep.

    A teacher needn't interrupt his night sleep.

    Hope they are right at the end. Thanks for keeping my mind occupied with useful funny things all the time.


      Lama, My Dear Friend!

      First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude for paying heed to my humble request to be the FIRST to kick off this ‘Amusement’. You’re doing me the favour for the second time. I owe you one! (Should I say “two”?)

      [I always believe, you have this ‘Midas touch’ – I’m gonna send over a pot of ‘Silver Coins’ tomorrow to turn into ‘Gold Coins’, can I...?]

      Ok, let’s get serious…!

      Girl.., what can I say; an “Excellent Answer!”

      You’ve launched the game at Full Blast!

      Well done!  

      It’s more than I could bargain for!

      Poor doctor! You’ve driven him into endless “Sleepless Nights!”
      Now, all we could do is just keep our fingers crossed - more exciting answers may stream in from our fellow members, hopefully!
      Have a Great Week ahead, my friend!

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