Philosophy Posted by Neer on December 31, 2014 in General Discussion "We can close our eyes to things we don'twant to see, but we can't close our heart tothe things we don't want to feel" Views: 35 You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Votes: 0 Email me when people reply – Follow
Totally right.
And just imagine if what you 'don't wanna see' is a hungry bear approaching you...
Nah. It's better to face things.
He-he-he-he-he... you know how to crack me up.
Closing your eyes on things ya ''don't wanna see'' doesn't make 'em go away.
Philosophy II
Yes I m talking about some "Feelings" which are "unavoidable" out of our control :)
it is not in our hands so i think we must try not to break somebodys heart hurt feeling
Love is one of those feelings. When it comes, it become unavoidable.