
The debate about Pepsi is not new or old. What is the most distinguished about that drink? We have been using this drink for centuries. Does it really help to digest our food? Despite the most recent drinks, Pepsi is still number one with its unique taste, or at least, the best.

We have known many drinks, such as, (Mirinda, Seven Up, Sprite, Vimtu, Coca Cola, etc), but none of them has that citrus flavor of Pepsi. Some practitioners say it leads to kidney problems. Others say, put an egg in a bottle of Pepsi and see the changes in its color the next day. Nevertheless, we can notice the demand for Pepsi is still targeting the market every day.   

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  • dear dara

    pepsi is one of a many soft drinkes that appear in last decade i think by  famous pharmacist to help the degesion , with time it is become used as a daily drink . i see from my point of view that the main problem of the pepsi may be in 2 formed substance ;  sugar and caffiene . pepsi almost contain alot of sugar which can lead to rush of glouose to your blood steam and body respond to that by increasing the amount of insuline in the bloodand that lead to metabolic changes in all over  the body wich affect our body as a long term effect. also, caffien lead to chang in 2 important area in body ; brain & heart . personally i prefear to take one cane or cup of pepsi as a maximum dosage throught the day .some times becomae a bottle /day hahahahahah , but rare .

    • Haiyil haiyil ya Mostafa! It seems that you are a pharmacist yourself or rather you have something to do with medicine or nursing.  As a matter of fact, your briefing says so. I am glad to have an intellectual friend like you. By the way, I drink Pepsi before eating anything. Of course, I am not aware of digestion and that sort of thing. To tell the truth, I was happy to read your comment. Keep that coming up and thanks for it.  

  • Hi, Dara!

    I rarely patronage carbonated drinks. I knew many people who suffered different illnesses due to complications of diabetes because of consuming sodas. Those branded fizzy drinks are popular because celebrities keep endorsing them for money. I prefer making my own herbal tea and usually I pick edible leaves from my garden. At least I know they are organic, clean and sugar-free...

    Have a nice time choosing healthy food!

    • Maraming salamat mod. Robbie! I really appreciated that comment. Simply and without any spasm or tension, you have stated for us about those drinks. It is true that famous people make such advertisements for the sake of money. They are ignoring the consequences of their deeds. I am glad to know that you have your own garden. Consequently, I like black tea with milk. Thanks for your nice advice about the discussion, Pepsi.

  • Natural fruit juice is healthier.

    I too stopped drinking these beverages as its addictive and harmful

    • Neer nalavar mod. Nadira. How are you, my respected lady. I am a bit busy with that project. It takes all of my time or rather most of it, Of course, natural fruit juice is better than Pepsi. I wonder why did that pharmacist invent that drink? Was it for money or for fame? Once more, thanks mod. Nadira for your comment on Pepsi.

  • I rarely drink these knds of beverages. Sometimes I drink them with a sandwich.

    • Halet chetore Saba? This is our weak point, Saba. We need to wash those sandwiches with Pepsi. It is good that you are not drinking them like me. Thanks Saba.

  • I don't drink Pepsi but non-sugar Coca Cola. Drinks like that have a lot of sugar, so it causes obesity. So I drink non-sugar Coca Cola.

    • Kunichiwa Tam soshti  arigato! Can you keep the secret? I drink more than five hundred milligrams of Pepsi after lunch, of course, not every day, but every three or four days. Fatima is losing her head and we quarrel most of the time about this matter. Honestly, I am thinking seriously about quitting.  Thanks, Tam for your wise comment on Pepsi.

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